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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
42, 1 DS aged 6, over 4 yrs ttc #2
<br/>6 m/cs (last one Jan 2010 on immune treatment)
<br/>Slightly pos APS, low Free T4, borderline ANAs, CD19+/CD5+ cells 15%, Th1/Th2 ratio 61 (reduced to 33 after 4 doses pre-concep Humira) Th1/Th2 ratio 26 during last pg after IL, Neg LAD
<br/>Currently on : Menevit, calcium + vit D, 1/4 aspirin after ov, Royal Jelly, 5 mg steroids
<br/>Original Protocol :
<br/>Pre-concep - Humira 40mg x 4 before ttc and re-test levels then BA (might try it post ov tho), steroids 5 mg, calcium, LIT done July 09.
<br/>At + test - stop BA (but might not do that!), intralipids, steroids 20 mg (weaning off at 12 wks), heparin 20 mg once per day (test APS at 12 wks), Ultrogestan pessaries 400mg till 12 wks
<br/>Kinesiology, HypnoFertility, gluten free, thinking about revisiting homeopathy
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hi Everyone,
<br/>I'm glad I found this board! I was a patient of Dr. Beer when he was in Chicago back in 2000 and have been a patient of Dr. Kwak's since (well whenever I've been pregnant). Anyhow, I'll try to give my history and shorten it as much as I can...
<br/>I had two healthy pregnancies (both boys) in 96 and 98. With both I had oligohydramniosis. In the second preg., I had malignant melanoma on my left arm, but it was very early and completely removed via surgery. I started having problems after the birth of number 2. I had unexplained muscle and nerve spasms and lots of symptoms that seemed like Chronic Fatigue. Even had an MRI to rule out MS and was seen by a neurologist, but they found nothing. Went on to have three miscarriages over the next couple of years (17 weeks, 13 weeks and the final one barely positive - chemical). After the second mc, I found Dr. Beer and started corresponding via email, he predicted my mc's would come earlier and earlier and then I would not be able to get pregnant at all. The only test done by docs that was positive was hetro. MTHFR! I didn't seek treatment at first because the RE that I went to see was vehmently opposed and I felt awful. After the chemical, I knew that Dr. Beer was right and I didn't care what this RE said (never saw him again). Anyhow, a year to the day after my first appointment with Dr. Beer, I had my third son! He was delivered 2 weeks early again due to oligo. I did LIT (I think 2 or 3 times) and IVIG, baby asprin, all forms of progesterone and lovenox along with the vitamins. I found out I was pregnant again in 2005 and since LIT had been banned in the US by the FDA, I was prescribed only the IVIg for the elevated NK's. I can't remember if that is when the cytokines came into the picture, but I think that is when they started testing those. I took the same meds as before. Had my 4th healthy baby boy! Got pregnant soon after that, but I didn't know it and didn't start treatment (including IVIg) until I was almost 2 months pregnant. I lost that one at 10 weeks, it was a girl. Now I am pregnant again (found out very early and started treatment right away) and am 20 weeks with my 5th BOY!!! We have our own basketball team in the works! This time she started me on prednisone while we worked out the IVIg with the insurance company. I have a few questions since it seems a lot has changed in the 8 1/2 years since I started with this stuff.
<br/>1. My NK's were elevated at the second check and IVIg took care of it. The second time I tested it was the TNF-alpha, it was 60.1 (want it below 30), so she prescribed a double dose of IVIg, which brought it down to 34, so then a single dose was given. The next check the numbers were all good, so I got a break, but this time the TNF-alpha was 63! She just prescribed a single dose (getting it tomorrow). I noticed on the board (I saw it in Dr. Beer's book) that some are taking Humira. From what I can make out it is similar to Enbrel. I'm wondering about that vs. IVIg. I know Dr. Beer told me that he would not prescribe Enbrel for me because of my cancer history.
<br/>2. Has anyone had trouble like mine with the TNF-alpha numbers being so high? If so, what did you do to bring them down?
<br/>3. Another bothersome symptom has cropped up and I haven't asked Dr. Kwak or my OB about it yet, but my eyes are acting funny. They feel hot often(comes and goes)and they've been watering a lot, sometimes itch and I wake up with a little bit of crust on my eyes in the morning. I don't think it is allergies because I've never had this before, but I suppose it is possible. Anyone have a similar experience?
<br/>4. One other thing I wanted to ask is do any of you have nerve/muscle spams? I've had them on and off over the past 10 years, but they have become more annoying lately (dont hurt or anything). I know it can be antibodies to hormones and neurotransmitters, so I'm hoping this dose of IVIg tomorrow will help.
<br/>If you are still reading; I really appreciate it! Thanks for any advice.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Baby asa 81mg daily
<br/>Clexane 40mg daily starting CD6
<br/>IVIg 30g starting CD6 and on positive pregnancy test
<br/>Prednisone 10mg daily starting CD6
<br/>Calcium 500mg twice daily
<br/>Progesterone supplement as per Dr Ndukwe
<br/>NK assay and TH1/TH2 cytokine testing 5-7 days after IVIg infusion
<br/>Anyone have any views on this? Do you think I need Humira? Jane, I would really value your opinion.
<br/>Julie J
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
<br/>> What caused my repetitive miscarriages: My husband contributed the
<br/>> 4.1 phenotype to my pregnancy with our son. This phenotype is known
<br/>> to aggravate the Natural Killer cells in the placenta. My having
<br/>> (human-papiloma-virus sp?) might have "primed" my NK reaction.
<br/>> pregnant with Da, my body to reacted to the placenta as if it were
<br/>> cancer. My next four pregnancies (all conceived on the first try)
<br/>> resulted in miscarriages, at 5.5, 8, 5.5, and 4.5 weeks.
<br/>> NK problem: I now have an overabundance of Natural Killer cells,
<br/>> which was discovered by an NK assay panel. My NK cells are overly
<br/>> activated (NK assay 50:1=23.3%). It is also likely that Natural
<br/>> Killer cells now live in my uterus and have aggressively killed
<br/>> placental cells. In addition, my NKs have mutated and no longer
<br/>> an "off switch." In a lab test using placental-like cells and IVIG,
<br/>> my NK cells didn't respond.
<br/>> My "extremely activated" NK cells (as seen in my TH1:TH2
<br/>> intracellular cytokine ratio being over 40%) fuse the DNA in my
<br/>> so they can't interact with the DNA in the sperm. This damage to
<br/>> eggs increases the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). NK cells
<br/>> living in my uterus also try and get rid of all yeast, leading to
<br/>> almost continuous yeast infection symptoms. Elevated NKUs are also
<br/>> related to substromal hemorrhages leading to early menses
<br/>> or "nosebleed" type menses, and decreased hair follicle replication
<br/>> which affects hair loss and causes some women to go bald. Elevated
<br/>> NKs would also cause my overly aggressive antihistamine responses
<br/>> the TB test, Timothy hay, etc.
<br/>> Treatment: Two injections of Humira per month (for no more than 3
<br/>> months), retesting the TH1:TH2 and NK cells after the 2nd Humira
<br/>> injection to see if it's working, and monthly thereafter, until the
<br/>> TH1:TH2 ratio drops. By 17.4 weeks on average (21.6 weeks at the
<br/>> longest) high TH1:TH2 (over 40%) should be sufficiently reduced.
<br/>> Lowering TH1:Th2 often reduces FSH levels. I will need to retest
<br/>> FSH, LH, and Estradiol on day 3 of each cycle. After the Humira,
<br/>> IVIG may be prescribed. LIT would also be prescribed, but the FDA
<br/>> has removed it temporarily until effectiveness can be proven. I
<br/>> could need a double dose. Natural medicine that also helps lower NK
<br/>> are fish oil and wheat grass.
<br/>> 15% of women in my situation eventually need thyroid replacement
<br/>> therapy and another 15% develop abnormal insulin and adult onset
<br/>> diabetes. Women over 40 years of age also tend to experience a
<br/>> decrease in serotonin levels, which is very painful in menopause.
<br/>> APA problem: I have made a strong antibody to IgM
<br/>> phosphoethanolamine, which attacks the "glue molecules" for
<br/>> pregnancy. This antibody removes the "glue" from the sperm and also
<br/>> prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the placenta. This is
<br/>> why I can no longer conceive. Treatment: 1 baby aspirin/day and two
<br/>> 5000 units/day of heparin from cycle day 6 to 12-24 weeks into the
<br/>> pregnancy (after two negative screens it is no longer taken).
<br/>> Lovenox is preferred over Heparin, but insurance may not pay for it.
<br/>> ANA problem: I have also made an antinuclear antibody to the
<br/>> embryo's DNA (my ANA titer is 40:1 with a homogeneous pattern),
<br/>> which causes inflammation around the embryo. Treatment: 1mg/day of
<br/>> dexamethason
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Cycle of conception treatment:
<br/>> 1.. Progesterone: Vaginal suppositories 100 mg twice daily
<br/>morning and at bedtime 48 hours after ovulation or within 48 hours of
<br/>embryo transfer through 16 weeks of pregnancy. In some women whose
<br/>progesterone levels are less than 20, progesterone in oil injections
<br/>of 50 mg daily intramuscularly are given daily until the levels are
<br/>above 20.
<br/>> 2.. Baby aspirin: One baby aspirin 81 mg daily starting day one
<br/>of the cycle of planned conception and continued through pregnancy.
<br/>> 3.. Pregnancy testing is done starting on cycle day 23, 25, 27
<br/>and 29. The pregnancy test is observed for one hour. A positive test
<br/>result is reported to beerdoc@a... or Dr. Beer's office at (408) 356-
<br/>> If pregnant:
<br/>> 1.. Booster LIT is given.
<br/>> 2.. LIT is given every 5 to 7 weeks through 10-12 weeks of
<br/>pregnancy to control category 5 issues of high natural killer cell
<br/>killing power
<br/>> 3.. Progesterone supplementation continued through 16 weeks of
<br/>> 4.. Baby aspirin continued throughout pregnancy
<br/>> 5.. Quantitative HCG blood levels are drawn twice weekly until
<br/>heartbeat is established. Progesterone levels are drawn once a week
<br/>through 10 weeks of pregnancy. (See progesterone document :
<br/>> f.. Repeat NK Assay, Cytokine Assay, APA, ANA, anti-DNA Histone
<br/>> If not pregnant:
<br/>> 1.. Stop progesterone.
<br/>> 2.. Continue baby aspirin.
<br/>> 3.. Repeat LAD test 3-6 months from the last or have an LIT
<br/>booster immunization.
<br/>> Category 2 Immune Problem
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
41, 1 DS aged 5
<br/>> 5 m/cs, over 3 yrs ttc #2
<br/>> Slightly pos APS, low Free T4, borderline ANAs, CD19+/CD5+ cells 15%, Th1/Th2 ratio 61, Neg LAD
<br/>> Currently on :
<br/>> Menevit plus extra FA, 25 mcg thyroxine, fish oils, 3rd shot of Humira done (OPC, Wobenzym - may add in later at reduced dose, considering use of Nettle Leaf for TNF-a)
<br/>> Protocol :
<br/>> Pre-concep - Humira 40mg x 4 before ttc and re-test levels then BA, steroids 5 mg (might not do pre-concep as other treatment sufficient), calcium
<br/>> LIT has been recommended after TNF-a re-test
<br/>> At + test - stop BA (but might not do that!), intralipids, steroids 20 mg (weaning off at 12 wks), heparin 20 mg once per day (test APS at 12 wks), Ultrogestan pessaries 400mg till 12 wks
<br/>> Doing reflexology, acupuncture and herbs
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
All my labs are in (i've posted in detail previously). I'll list here
<br/>the positive/problem issues. I am hoping anyone who can relate their
<br/>learning or experience will reply, direct or here. I am getting
<br/>nervous about the Tx now that it is time. I've never taken any of
<br/>them before except aspirin.
<br/>TSI 3.1 (thyroid stimulating ig)
<br/>ANA 1:80 SPECKLED
<br/>50:1 9 *(10-40)(important one) OK for TTC-not guar w/preg
<br/>25:1 6.9 (5-30)
<br/>12.5:1 4.7 (3-20)
<br/>%cd3 86.9 *(60-85) total T cells?; not signif
<br/>%cd19 7.5 (2-12) B cells; normal
<br/>%cd56 5.3 (2-12) nk cells; normal
<br/>%cd19+/cd5+ 14.7 *(5-10) B cells(autoab cells?) produce Autoab's ie:
<br/>tsi,ana elevated need to work on these
<br/>T1/T2 cytokine ratios
<br/>TNFa IL10 26.2 (13.2-30.6) normal
<br/>IFNg IL10 10.3 (5.8-20.5) normal
<br/>Pathology 8/30 MC (per Beers Ctr)
<br/>-Synctium formation: minimal (expl:'1st layer of placenta;seemed to
<br/>be prevented from building strong "palace wall"')
<br/>-throboembolism of decidual vessels near implantation site: present
<br/>w/local necrosis (expl: 'inflammation induced clotting; ana induces
<br/>thrombo mutation')
<br/>-decidual infiltrate: consists of sm lympho/mononuc cells confined to
<br/>area of necrosis possibly secondary to thrombosis (expl: 'infamm at
<br/>implant site')
<br/>*Notes: I was surprised after receiving the Path first, that I didn't
<br/>have any major clotting issues; or NK activiy-specificall y no high
<br/>cytokines. So as you might imagine feeling as though I'm rather
<br/>minimal in problems, I'm surprised that I need the following,
<br/>especially all three major ones:
<br/>aspirin 81
<br/>Prometrium 200mg oral 2x/day,48h a/ovul (through preg or Neg)
<br/>*Lovenox 40mg 1/d cd6 (stop when Neg otherwise no stop time)
<br/>*Prednisone 10mg cd6;at Pos Preg incrs 2x/d (continue 3 TTC cycles)
<br/>Calcium Carbonate 500mg w/VitD 200iu 2x/d while Lovenox/Pred therapy
<br/>Metanx; VitE 400iu
<br/>*IVig 400mg 1x cd10-12 and 1x at Pos Preg
<br/>NK,cytokine assay 5-7d a/ea infusion
<br/>Why no Folgard? Why not vaginal progesterone?
<br/>*I'm guessing the Lovenox is for MthFR and HAI though not severe
<br/>problems. Bit nervous about that.
<br/>*Prednisone, I guess is for the auto antibodies, specifically ANAs.
<br/>Any Advice-more nervous about that.
<br/>*IVig; concerned that they may rise at pregnancy, also says this will
<br/>cleanse my system of the bad ones. I thought I only need this Tx if I
<br/>had high NKs and/or cytokines, so I'm surprised but the cleansing
<br/>idea sounds fair.
<br/>Thanks for your time. I am on CD1 today. cd3 US Wed and the beginning
<br/>of this bit scary journey.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
I haven't been active on the group in recent months, but I wanted to be sure to post this success story: My son Quinn was born two weeks ago, on Sept 16, and is doing exceptionally well (as am I). With his birth comes the end of a three year effort to have a second child 鈥� which has been a long and painful journey for us, but I realize is short compared to the trials many of you are going through now. I hope my story helps someone, if only to renew your belief that immune therapy works. Sorry this is incredibly long鈥� Feel free to skip the "HISTORY" section if you're just looking for thenuts'n'bolts of
<br/>what my diagnosis & treatment was. 飦奌ISTORY:I'm a "secondary miscarrier." My daughter was born 4.5 yearsago; we conceived the first month we tried, and the pregnancy was uneventful except for lots of hints at an early birth 鈥� dropping at 32 weeks, contractions at 34 weeks, fully effaced at 38 weeks. Ironically she was born a week late. I wonder if those signals were hints that my body was trying to expel the baby early, that my immune system was starting to reject it, but that's just a theory. FWIW, there were none of those signals with my DS.After my daughter's birth we waited a little over two years before TTC for a second child. I was 33 at the time. I then had 4 consecutive miscarriages. Each time we conceived within 3 months of trying, usually the first month. The first miscarriage was in Jan 2006 at 4 weeks; I hadn't even taken a pregnancy test yet,
<br/>but I knew it was a miscarriage. In retrospect, I believe that was a chromosomally abnormal pregnancy because it didn't match the rest of the miscarriages, which all occurred at 8-10 weeks gestation but showed less than 7 weeks growth. I remember thinking after that first miscarriage that I'd "joined the club" of all my friendswho'd had miscarriages. Little did I know what was coming next鈥e waited several months to try again, and conceived in May 2006. I started spotting and then bleeding July 4 and went to the doctor the next day to find there was no heartbeat. I hadn't been to the doctor yet since I was only about 9 weeks pregnant, so we couldn't be sure there had ever been a heartbeat (though I am certain there was). It measured only around 7 weeks, so we assumed we'd been wrong about the date of conception, or that it had stopped growing two weeks earlier. I saved tissue from
<br/>the miscarriage and took it to my OB, but the lab screwed up and was unable to test for chromosomal abnormalities.We accidentally ended up pregnant at the next cycle. I knew that was not ideal so I called my OB and she put me on baby aspirin and progesterone just in case they helped. We had an ultrasound at 6-7 weeks and saw a heartbeat. Again, the gestational age was less than I'd calculated but again we wrote that off as a miscalculation on our part. I had a little spotting one night at 10 weeks, and though it cleared up the next morning I went to the OB anyway. There was no heartbeat, and the baby measured only a few days larger than it had on the previous ultrasound 鈥� around 7 weeks. I had a D&C, but the lab 鈥� a *different* lab 鈥� screwed up and again no results were available.At that point I knew something was wrong. I know miscarriages are common but the odds of
<br/>three miscarriages in a row being random chromosomal abnormalities were too low. My OB put me through her array of tests and everything came up showing I was perfectly healthy and my husband's sperm were great.We took several months off again, due in part to the fact that we were moving to another city. Before I found us a place to live, I had my OB picked out and a first consultation with him scheduled! He was a high-risk OB, and his battery of tests was more extensive. I passed them all. He shook his head and told me all he could advise was to try again, the odds were still in my favor. So we tried again and immediately conceived what would be our fourth miscarriage. That was January 2007.DIAGNOSIS:At this point I found the Beer book "Is Your Body Baby-Friendly" online and ordered it. I had low expectations that it would be useful to me; I come from a pretty darn healthy
<br/>family with no history of immune disease. The book arrived about 2 days after we conceived, and it was clear to me after reading it that it could easily be the answer: It described the slow growth that accompanies the starving of the trophoblast, and I finally realized that the low gestational measurements in my two previous miscarriages were not indications of a miscalculated conception date or of the death happening weeks before the spotting started. The book noted that patients often have super-immune symptoms, and I realized that in the last two years I'd been impervious to all the illnesses my daughter brought home from daycare; my husband and daughter would get sick, but I wouldn't. The book mentioned that many women get flu-like symptoms on the day of implantation, and I remembered that had certainly happened to me with the previous pregnancy, and with the pregnancy that implanted as I
<br/>was reading the book, I had one day of flu symptoms that went away quickly 鈥� and no one else I knew got sick.I made an appointment with Dr. Matzner at RIA since he was in LA, where we now lived. He diagnosed me with low LADs 鈥� 1.1% T-cells and 3.8% B-cells, and they found that my husband and I were both 4.1, 4.1 鈥� a complete match, so my daughter must also be 4.1, 4.1, hence the low LADs. My NKs were normal at 4 weeks but rose at 6 weeks, indicating they were fighting the pregnancy. Matzner doesn't recommend LIT but rather treats low LADs with additional IVIg, so I had a dose of IVIg at 4 weeks and again at 6 weeks. (I should note, my LADs did rise with IVIg 鈥� T-cells from 1.1% to 60% and B-cells from 3.55 to 14.8%.) I also went on baby aspirin, heparin, and prednisone. Matzner told me up-front that my chance of success with this pregnancy was only 40%; I needed to have been treated
<br/>earlier than 4 weeks. My OB did weekly ultrasounds, and the pattern was clear by 7 weeks 鈥� the growth was slower than normal. We had a good heartbeat at about 6.5 weeks, a weak heartbeat at 7.5 weeks, and no heartbeat at 8.5 weeks. I had another D&C. Finally the local lab got it right and showed no chromosomal abnormalities. I also sent a specimen to a specialist, Dr. Salafia, that Matzner works with in New York (in the middle of a snowstorm, delivered on a Sunday but the lab was open 鈥� thank God!) and she confirmed there was a starving of blood flow to the placenta.Surprisingly, aside from the first miscarriage which was so early and was my first, this was an easier miscarriage to recover from emotionally because I finally had an answer, and that miscarriage was evidence. It proved the slow growth, it showed the increase in NKs as the immune system ramped up, it verified
<br/>the blood flow was being cut off, and it all happened to a pregnancy with no chromosomal abnormalities. Clearly my immune system was attacking the pregnancies.I switched to the Beer Center and Dr. Stricker at that point because I felt I needed LIT and because I was unhappy with Matzner's office staff. The staff at the Beer Center is phenomenal, and as much as I interacted with them, that helpfulness and efficiency was incredibly important to my sanity and calmness as I went through the process.TREATMENT:Beer Center found a few other things in addition to the low LADs and DQAlpha match: 鈥� high TsH of 1.7 so I started 25 mcg synthroid鈥� low serotonin levels so I started 10mg lexapro (heh, that made the wait to be cleared to TTC a bit easier)鈥� PAI-1 homozygous which underscores the need for Lovenox in the first trimesterI was diagnosed Category 1, 2, and 5.I
<br/>went to Nogales for LIT four times because DH & I were cautious about using donor blood, and we knew the original protocol when LIT was available in the States was to try paternal first and if it didn't give sufficient response to attempt paternal+donor. Well, two paternal doses didn't do it so we went back for two paternal+donor. Happily we managed to have the same donor both times and made friends in the process 鈥� with Gina & Kevin who are now in the third trimester with their pregnancy!  (Thanks again, Kevin!) My B-cells went up to 16.5% after the two paternal doses, and 57.6% after the two paternal+donor; five months later, when I was 4 weeks pregnant, they were at 71%.My TNF was high, 34.4, so I did one round of Humira and it went down to 28.9. Five months later, when I was 4 weeks pregnant, it was 24.2.My NKs were normal again but I did IVIg during the conception cycle
<br/>the first two months we tried. At that point Beer Center decided I didn't need to do IVIg during cycles, so I stopped. I was cleared to TTC in September 2007. My protocol was as follows:* Continuously, take baby aspirin, 25mcg synthroid, prenatal vitamins, Folgard, Calcium 1000mg supplement.* IVIg on CD6-10 (did this the first two cycles and then stopped as mentioned above)* 30mg Lovenox, 1mg Dexamethasone starting CD6* Progesterone starting CD16It took longer to conceive than previously 鈥� 4 cycles which sounds like not too long but patience isn't one of my stronger virtues. In January 2008 we found out we were pregnant, but as you all know, the journey doesn't end there.I increased the Lovenox to twice daily and stopped the Lexapro as soon as I got the BFP, then tapered off the Dexamethasone at 12 weeks. My TsH went up to 3.4, so my dose increased to 50mcg synthroid.
<br/>My progesterone levels were always just below normal, so they kept increasing my dosage (and with it, the nausea). I found out late in the game that progesterone levels vary during the day, and I was always testing at the same time of day and taking the progesterone at the same time, so I think I didn't actually have an issue but rather was testing at a bad time. When I changed the time of day, the numbers went higher. Eventually I was on 400mg progesterone (in pill form) a day. I tapered off by 16 weeks. In the first trimester, Beer Center did HCG & Progesterone tests every 3 days, and my OB did weekly ultrasounds. Everything looked great 鈥� and the growth rate was always on target! I was also doing monthly NK and APA tests. My NKs stayed in check, and my APAs showed only a few positive or borderline at 4 weeks, and then were negative at 8 and 12 weeks then back to one positive at 16
<br/>weeks.Then at 20 weeks things seemed to spike. My NKs shot up from 11-14 (50:1) to 24.1, and I suddenly had 5 APA positive/high positives. I'd gained weight, so my Lovenox dosage increased from 30mg to 40mg (still twice daily). I had IVIg for the NKs. The ultrasound I had at 21 weeks looked great, which made me feel better. A spike at 20-24 weeks is apparently not uncommon, and the book does mention that fact.My 24 week tests showed my NKs were back to 12.8, and my APAs now had only one positive. At 28 weeks NKs were 14.7 and APAs were all negative. I was cleared to stop the Lovenox then, but I was hesitant so I tapered down very slowly and discontinued at 34 weeks. By then I was doing biweekly ultrasounds and asking the tech every time to look for clots on the placenta, and she always said she didn't see any. Blood flow through the cord was great each time,
<br/>too.SUCCESS!Everything was normal after that 20-week spike, though of course I was nervous right up until labor was over and I held Quinn in my arms. My OB said the placenta looked just fine 鈥� no graininess, no clots. He's definitely a health boy, weighing in at about 8.5 lbs, and already I'm playing the proud mama and finding ways in which he excels (already holding his head up and fixing his gaze on things!).In the end I believe LIT was the answer 鈥� and we came so close to not doing it b/c we had to go to Mexico for it and it just seemed like such a desperate measure (though it turned out not to be bad at all)! As it was explained to me in layman's terms, LIT boosts the number of antibodies whose job it is to mask the father's proteins on the baby; without being masked, the NKs would identify the baby as foreign matter (a cancer) and attack the baby. When I got pregnant, the
<br/>presence of those antibodies meant that the baby was protected. My NKs never went up. Well, except for the 20-week spike which I think is perhaps something natural and possibly harmless; I wonder if women who don't have immune issues also have that spike but it's not detected. In my pregnancy, none of the OB tests showed any change around 20-weeks; just the blood tests for NKs and APAs.So, for those still reading, I hope some of this is helpful in one way or another. I'm so glad to have had this forum and the advice of so many wonderful, smart, empowered women who've taken control of their own treatment despite all the OBs and REs out there who can't seem to open their minds and their eyes to the possibility that immunology might play a larger role in pregnancy than studies currently show. When I told my OB that I had been diagnosed with immune issues, he was obviously doubtful but respectful
<br/>of my decision; he said he was familiar with Dr. Beer's work and that Beer had "helped women when no one else could." Because I'm in CA, Iused Dr. Stricker for all prescriptions and tests so my OB didn't have to do anything outside his normal protocol for high-risk patients, but I gave him copies of all my immune tests and talked to him about it, and I know I educated him on why some of the treatments work. I'm not sure he's an advocate yet, but I know I got him to open his mind a little more and admit maybe this isn't all hogwash. He has at least two other patients right now who are being treated for immune issues as well, too. The more we chip away at the OBs and REs, the sooner the needed studies might be done, and couples can be diagnosed sooner, and insurance will begin to cover more of the expenses. I only wish I knew how to speed that process along鈥�------------
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
I am currently under the care of Dr. Kwak-Kim in Chicago. She was GREAT at identifying multiple blood clotting disorders (MTHFR, PAI-I, Factor VIII), +APA, and slightly elevated NK assy activity. We actually got pregnant on our 1st cycle of treatment with her (and our 1st IVF) and are now 11 weeks pregnant with twins! We are still in shock as we never had a +beta in our 2 1/2 years of trying.
<br/>During our initial work-up, my NK assy panel and cytokine results were:
<br/>50:1 - 17.5 (should be < 15)
<br/>25:1 - 11.0
<br/>12.5:1 - 3.8
<br/>IgG conc 12.5 50:1- 6.6
<br/>IgG conc 12.5 25:1- 8.0
<br/>IgG conc 6.25 50:1- 9.6
<br/>IgG conc 6.25 250:1- 7.4
<br/>TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+) - 20.1 (should be 13.2 - 30.6)
<br/>IFN-g:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+) - 8.0 (should be 5.8 - 20.5)
<br/>On CD3 of our IVF conception cycle, my 50:1 was 10.9. Dr. Kwak-Kim did not recommend IVIG as part of our conception treatment, and instead prescribed 30mg prednisone since it was only slightly elevated during the initial work-up.
<br/>Upon a positive beta, I was tested again. My 50:1 spiked up to 19.2 and Dr.Kwak-Kim recommended IVIG. We immediately had it done (I was about 5 weeks along) and paid out of pocket - ouch!!
<br/>1 week later I was tested again and my 50:1 had dropped to 6.9, but my cytokines had flared to 44.4/8.4. She recommended another dose. We did IVIG #2 again at about 8 weeks.
<br/>So I just got the results back from IVIG #2- my 50:1 was 18.5 and by cytokines were 12.8/4.9), Sine the 50:1 was slightly elevated, she is now recommending a 3rd dose of IVIG.
<br/>So I have a few questions for you all:
<br/>-Has anyone not done IVIG when recommended and had a healthy baby? After the IVF and 2 IVIG treatments, we are strapped for cash. We can continue to do the treatments, but things will need to get much leaner around our household!!! ! I typically would not question a doctor (and am not in this case either), but my levels on the latest round are only slightly elevated.
<br/>-How much does a positive pregnancy test increase NK/cytokines anyway? An embryo is a foreign body and should produce some sort of reaction until your body gets used to it. I wonder how many pregnant ladies with undiagnosed immune issues would have elevated levels throughout their pregnancy and it all turn out to be OK?
<br/>-Anyone have other successful methods in lowering NK/cytokine activity? I asked Dr. Kwak-Kim about Intralipids, but due to my PAI-I she did not recommend it. I was taking higher levels of fish oil at the start of my conception cycle which I think contributed to my 50:1 score of 10.9. I've scaled back but am still on 4 pills/day.
<br/>Thanks so much for your help ladies! We really appreciate it and all the advise you've given us over the past year!
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
这是法国网站上给出的胎儿每周发育状况分析,挺好的,分享给所有的姐妹。我呢,比较懒,用GOOGLE 翻译器翻译的,我大体看了,很多句子不通,所以不得不做修正,如果有些句子不是很精确,望见谅。工程浩大,我慢慢更新。。。
<br/>第一周(从受精卵开始,如果是从最后一次例假算起, 就加2周,算第3周,以下依次类推,不再重复)
<br/>你的宝宝悄悄地移动。 几个小时后,卵子受精的精子,卵子会开始分裂成两个相同的细胞,持续分裂,受精卵移动出输卵管和将在子宫壁的固定:这是着床的阶段。在这个阶段,胚胎大约0.1毫米。
<br/>此时你仍然不知道你是孕妇,没有迹象显示。您可能会发现轻微的出血,这是因为受精卵在子宫内膜着床引起的。 这这个星期,您可能痴睡。
<br/>- 内层(内胚层)为呼吸道和消化道
<br/>- 中间层(中胚层的骨骼,肌肉,生殖器
<br/>- 外层(外胚层)的皮肤和神经
<br/>在本周末结束时, 受精卵已完全嵌入子宫壁,它分为两个部分,组成一个胎盘和一个婴儿。
<br/>考虑拥有一个健康的生活方式,消除酒精和烟草,因为宝宝的器官是在怀孕前两月发育的,稍有偏差是非常危险的。 避免传染和呼吸疾病,避免X射线,药物。
<br/>例假没有来,您怀孕了。独特的迹象开始出现。事实上,你会很累,容易出现情绪波动,你的乳房肿胀,有时是痛苦的,你会觉得清晨想吐,这是由于激素的大量涌入造成的,其作用是防止受精卵被驱逐出胚胎子宫内膜。你可能是频尿,您可能非常想吃东西,或者完全不想吃东西,而且你的嗅觉在改变。 可能有少量出血是由于受精卵在子宫壁着床,但是,如果下腹部非常疼痛,也可能是流产或宫外孕。
<br/>宝宝的规模发展非常迅速,现在的措施1.5毫米。它每天都长一倍。胚胎看起来像​​一个逗号,一个头部和一个尾巴出现。虽尚未形成,但肺部, 神经系统的发展和脑,脊髓,肝脏,肾脏,骨骼和肌肉开始发展。这是周宝宝的小心脏开始跳动的两个血管合并。从现在的胚胎是紧紧附着在子宫壁上。
<br/>请与妇科医生确认怀孕预约。它还将规定体格检查,健康检查和血液样本化验β- HCG(妊娠激素)。 考虑采用一个健康,均衡饮食,避免饮酒和吸烟。减轻恶心的办法:吃好早餐,多喝带气体的水,每两小时吃些东西(少量)。
<br/>现在你的子宫完全被黏液和组织封闭,它是一个橘子大小。压迫你的膀胱,因此,尿频。你觉得可能会稍有疼痛,下腹部的拉紧。不要担心,这是韧带持有的子宫肌肉倾向于支持子宫的发育。 你的胸部不断改变和乳头也较突出,其乳晕可能会开始变暗和成长。 你觉得累,焦虑或抑郁。您可能会有恶心越来越频繁,以及睡眠障碍。您上午体温升高是因为大型激素产生。 您的味觉改变, 开始讨厌一些食物。
<br/>胚胎发育迅速。他现在有一个小蝌蚪的形式,5毫米。他的手和脚无差别, 是个点。黑点是她的眼睛和鼻子正在形成。 器官开始形成,心脏跳动和重要器官继续增长。 正在出现的胃肠道以及脊椎和胸部和腹腔。 她的手臂将出现,腿会晚一点。 眼睛,鼻子和嘴开始初具规模,头部现在大约有他的身体长度的四分之一。 它的重量不到一克,在4和6毫米之间。   
<br/>你的乳房继续增长。怀孕的小病依然存在,包括恶心,疲劳... ... 你是敏感的,焦虑,会突然从笑到哭。腹胀,胃灼热和消化不良伴有便秘的效果。 要有耐心所有这些小的痛苦将在几周内消失,他们证明了你的妊娠成功。   
<br/>它继续增长,约6毫米。胳膊和腿变长。眼睛和耳朵形成,我们看到的鼻孔,嘴唇和舌头的小孔。 他的心规律的跳动,但比成人的两倍快。大脑半球都在增长。在这个发展阶段,宝宝是很脆弱的,因为它的主要器官的形成(胃,胰腺,肾脏,肺和肝脏)已接近完成。提高警觉,不要做任何会损害您的宝宝的事情。
<br/>本周,因为激素增高的影响, 您可能会有些不适(尤其在中午之前),便秘,口水过多,血液循环不畅, 建议:步行至少30分钟,每天。你的乳房的乳晕扩大和加深,静脉更为明显。你的子宫成长,你会经常需要小便,因为它积压你的膀胱。尤其是你,不要劳累过度,作为流产的风险仍然存在,这通常表现在失血和腰部疼痛。  
<br/>你甚至无法感觉到它,但在这个阶段宝宝动了。他的大部分器官已经开始建造。它约10至14毫米,重量1.7克。胚胎的头非常大,近一半的体重。他的脸开始初具规模,舌头,鼻孔和嘴巴都可见。她的眼睛和内耳开始发展。椎骨组成脊柱, 手指也开始出现。  
<br/>小心你的体重增加,每周自测体重。 不要节食除非医生要求。均衡饮食和多喝水。请与您的妇科医生预约产前检查。向社会保障和家庭津贴基金各机构申报你怀孕。
<br/>与怀孕有关的小病开始减退(腹胀,胃灼热,便秘...)。你的子宫变大, 子宫纤维变长而富有弹性, 宫颈软化,是开始为了分娩而准备。还可以体验疼痛和抽筋, 是子宫压迫你的器官,因为他在发展。
<br/>他所有的器官都形成几乎形成,长3厘米,重约3克。他几乎是人类的外貌, 但他的大脑发展非常缓慢。她的小心脏跳动,左,右心房区分。头的形状开始成形,呈圆形。手和脚都发育成最终形式,手指和脚趾继续发展。重要器官到位了,即心,脑,肺,肝,肠,但仍然十分脆弱。面部,腭和下颚的形成。生殖器正在发育,但尚未有区别的。
<br/>考虑你的第一个超声检查,看看您的宝宝是否正常。要开始预约宝宝出生后护理的人。对自己照顾。佩戴合适的胸罩, 推荐洗澡淋浴, 不要盆浴。为防止妊娠纹,要滋润皮肤和监控你的体重。同时滋润面部因怀孕趋于干燥的皮肤,避免过度日晒。
<br/>你的心率加快,你会喘气非常快。 你的身体在变化,你的子宫在扩大,它现在是一个橘子的大小,因此记住要换孕妇服。 您的肾脏在努力消除更多的垃圾,不光是你的,还有你宝宝的。因此,强烈建议喝大量的水,这也将防止尿路感染。
<br/>正是在这个星期,你的宝宝不再是一个胚胎,是胎儿。它的尺寸为5.5厘米,重约9克。他的头正在逐渐变得圆润,但还是很大的。眼睑盖住眼睛。他的嘴可以张开,味蕾和嗅觉出现。他的脸是可以辨认的。他的手臂和腿继续增长。生殖器区别开来(卵巢或睾丸),如果是男孩,他的睾丸开始产生睾丸激素。 脏跳动在110次和160之间每分钟。
<br/>第一次B超。注意改善你的血液循环和呼吸 建议每天步行。 喝水,这将防止尿路感染。放松,避免任何压力或紧张的原因。 购买服装适合你的尺寸。
<br/>你恶心应该开始褪色,你的尿频将停止。事实上,你的子宫正在扩大上升回腹腔,释放你的膀胱而不再压迫它。 您可能会感到有些疼痛,这是由于子宫生长对其肌肉的拉伸引起的。你可能对某些食物重新有了胃口,但注意健康均衡的饮食,注意你的体重。
<br/>它大约6厘米,重约18克。他开始移动他的头部和手臂,但你还没有任何感觉。 他的大脑中有了很大的发展,其神经细胞繁殖迅速。头还是非常大,相对于身体的其他部位,他的面孔已是人类的面孔。内耳的不断发展和外耳轮廓开始出现。 乳牙根出现,毛囊(头发和毛皮)开始形成。 重要器官继续发展(肺,肾)。肝脏是相当大的,它代表了身体总重量的10%,并产生血细胞。
<br/>- 盆腔超声:超声探头放在小腹下方。
<br/>- 阴道超声检查:超声探头插入阴道内。
<br/>它大约8厘米,现在体重约30克。第一骨骼出现(骨盆骨和肋骨)和脊柱发展。 毛发也出现在眉毛和上唇的地区。这些毛发是非常纤细的,出生后将脱落被更粗壮的毛发所取代。头部仍然很大,它代表一个身体的三分之一。鼻子出现,重要器官已形成,其中大部分工作。
<br/>实践非暴力运动(散步,游泳,体操,瑜伽...). 注意你的饮食和你的体重增加,均衡的饮食将有助于宝宝的健康发展,因为它吸收你的血液中的基本因素(维生素,矿物质... ...)
<br/>记住要告诉你的雇主, 你已经怀孕了。
<br/>它约14厘米,重约100克。 他的腿和手臂是平衡的比例。他现在可以弯曲手指和摇晃拳头。 心脏跳动每分钟110至120次。 他可以动他的眼睛和挑动眉毛但他无法打开他的眼皮。 未来的头发开始慢慢地实现,但它尚未发育完全。它会慢慢开始踢,你感觉不到。
<br/>多吃清淡,不要太酸,因为你的子宫上升可能会影响消化。 喝大量的水,使羊水和促进血容量增加。通过称量自己经常观看你的体重。
<br/>它大约16厘米,现在从头到脚,重135克。 他移动很多,但你还没有感觉,还需要一点点耐心等待。 肺泡已经形成,但他的肺部还没有成型。肺泡目前正在充满羊水,我们可观察到他的胸口起伏和肺部液体的流动。现在,你的宝宝的呼吸是通过你的血液,这就是为什么他不需要使用他的肺部。他的头发和胎毛继续生长,皮肤表层的毛也开始覆盖皮肤,使其能够保持体温。
<br/>本周你有第二个铲抢检查,期间医生会检查体重,血压,胎儿状态,子宫颈的状态,血液测试 。 但医生本周内不会给出性别,还需要些耐心等待。
<br/>你会开始感觉到宝宝移动。 你的子宫是一个椰子大小,约15厘米高,你可能会感觉到轻微的宫缩,这是正常的,子宫在为分娩作练习准备。您可能会有便秘,这是由于肠子蠕动比以前缓慢造成的。你能会出现孕沉斑(脸部和身体上的褐色斑点),将在分娩后消失。 在情感上,您非常需要关心,您可能有些焦虑,多和孩子的爸爸交流并取得照顾和关怀。
<br/>它大约17厘米,重160克。耳朵成型,他的眼睛仍然紧闭,但视网膜已可以感觉外部光线,如果有强光的话,他会用自己的手保护双眼。他的身体被胎毛覆盖着,这些胎毛将在他出生后脱落。他的肠子开始工作。 如果它是一个女孩,她的子宫和输卵管形成。
<br/>多吃纤维食物,避免便秘。 注意紫外线,为了避免孕沉斑。
<br/>你的子宫持续增长,这时候,你的肚子终于圆了起来。你孕妇的外形已经明显了。你的肠子蠕动仍然缓慢。 你的性欲有可能增加,焦虑和怀孕初期的不适消失了。
<br/>它大约19厘米,重200克,他移动很多,他开始伸展双臂和双腿! 她的皮肤仍然是细而透明的,所有的毛细血管,液体的流动是可见的。 脊髓的神经纤维髓鞘开始环绕,也就是说,他的大脑可以感知,听觉,味觉,视觉和触觉嗅觉。通过B超,我们可以清楚地看到性器官。
<br/>现在是时候更新你的衣柜,选择弹性的可调腰部的裤子或裙子。 多吃富含纤维素的食物。
<br/>尝试练习正确的呼吸方式,这在你生产的时候非常有用。还记得做练习,锻炼会阴部的肌肉, 在整个怀孕期间和分娩的时候有用。调整走路和睡眠方式,以避免背部问题。
<br/>它约24厘米,重量为450克并开始吮吸他的大拇指。它看起来越来越像一个新生的。他的头发和指甲继续生长。胎盘已形成,最终产生必要的激素。 肺部继续增长。呼吸运动较为频繁,但不规则。 现在你可以与他沟通,发挥他收集来自外界的声音的能力。
<br/>总是吃营养均衡的饮食,但要小心体重,测量体重每周一次。 注意痔疮,避免便秘。
<br/>本周你可能会有不适感,因为你的血压降低, 血液流量增加。 你的肚子越来越重,您的肾脏变大,而且工作增加。褐色线可能会出现在你的腹部从肚脐到耻骨,生产后将消失。
<br/>它26厘米,重500克,它仍然增长。 他的皮肤有增厚,但有一点皱纹,因为它尚未包含脂肪。一个粘性物质,vernix,保护您的宝宝在羊水健康的泡着。他的眼睛仍然关闭,但睫毛和眉毛都出现。在她的眼睑下,您的宝宝眼睛的颜色已经确定。但您只能等他出生,发现他的眼睛的颜色。 他已经会响应你的爱抚和声音。 他的免疫系统被设置为他的身体开始产生白血细胞。
<br/>记得登记产前的准备课程,一共9节课,可以和您的妇产科医生联系。 不正确的坐姿会引起背部疼痛,坐好,保持直线。 练习你的肌肉训练和游泳放松。 为了防止你的血液量增加引起的头晕,不要突然从卧到站,不留在地方太热。 避免日晒,记得用防晒霜。
<br/>现在28厘米,重560克。它移动了很多,半小时他可以有20-60个运动,它能够抓住自己的脚。宝宝的器官成长得非常快,神经细胞分布在每个地方,各部分的神经已经连接起来。 未来的指纹脱颖而出,形成她的手指和手掌的小线。 牙芽正在开发,并已经为婴儿牙齿做好准备。现在可以完全区分他的性器官。如果是男孩,睾丸未下降到阴囊。
<br/>不要贫血, 补铁(您的孩子需要它),吃肉,蛋,谷物,巧克力... ... 当心泌尿道感染,可导致触发收缩早产。
<br/>你大约增重6至8公斤,你的腰围增长8〜10厘米,继续监视你的体重(不要超过每周400克),你的肚子愈来愈大。子宫是约24厘米高。您可能会感到有些收缩,因为你的子宫为分娩做准备。 血液量的增加会引起头晕,不要站起来太快。
<br/>现在30厘米,重量为650克。因为他移动很多,所以他有时撞上子宫壁。宝宝的听觉系统已经:耳膜里的平衡的器官已经完整。手指甲开始生长,它们比脚指甲要提前完成。宝宝对声音和触摸的反应增强,他的听力已经成长显著,他感知室内噪声(心脏跳动,呼吸)和外部(语音,音乐...), 所以注意不要打扰太多他。他的眼睛开始打开,它们是蓝色的。
<br/>要开始准备预备清单,所有的宝宝需要的物品,包括婴儿房,为您的宝宝的到来作准备。当你有宫缩时,请平躺,手放腹部,腿弯曲向腹部。 注意宫缩的表现有多种:腰疼,肚子变硬,有拉扯感,等等。。
<br/>疲劳会开始显现出来。你的心脏跳动加速你因为你的子宫压你的胸部。您也将更加喘不过气来。您可能有失眠,因为你的肚子可能开始打扰你, 而且宝宝是乐于做翻跟头在你肚子里,尤其是你休息的时候。你可能患有便秘和胃酸回流,因为酸孕酮减慢消化。你的尿液中含有丰富的氨基酸(蛋白质的制造,乳糖原料,糖生产怀孕期间)和维生素。
<br/>妇科医生会检查宝宝的动作,子宫的高度... ...并以验血。继续监控您的体重,注意休息。
<br/>你的体重在增加(每周约400克,每月在1公斤和1.2公斤之间), 一半的重量是你的,另一半是你的宝宝的。
<br/>它33厘米,重量为第870克。这一周它的支气管已经出现,但直到出生后肺部才成熟。它喝愈来愈多的羊水(羊水每三个小时自我更新)代谢的羊水随尿液排出母体。随着宝宝长大,羊水会逐渐减少。它的皮肤随着脂肪的增长而变厚,宝宝的皮肤目前是红色的,因为血液通过血管,清晰可见。它开始睁开眼睛,感受光线。 他的牙床开始酝酿着珐琅质。
<br/>本周,你重了400克。你的子宫的不断增长,你的胃不舒服,胃酸和胃烧。 你会遇到宫缩,因为它为分娩做准备。你的肚子摸起来很硬, 这是宫缩的表现,不痛。你的其他器官, 除肝脏外,都有所增大。在激素的作用下,你可能牙龈出血。建议刷牙,每天两次。
<br/>它长34厘米,重达1公斤。他的头和身体已是正常比例,脸几乎是他出生时他的脸。现在,他有睫毛和眉毛,他可以打开他的眼睛。他的大脑的神经元和神经之间的连接都已发育 (这一发育将继续,直到他出生后20年)。您的孩子需要大量的能量,钙,铁,维生素C和蛋白质的......我们必须跟上!
<br/>这时候开始准备分娩课程,最好是尽早开始。他们会帮助你学习到生产时的 呼吸和需要锻炼和使用的肌肉。正常的步行不会导致早产,不要过于剧烈的活动。
<br/>子宫是28厘米。子宫的增大导致其它器官的移位,而且迫使肋骨扩大。您可能会遇到血液循环的问题,尤其是你的腿,因为血液从腿部回流到心脏变得不流畅,建议用冷水轻微的冷却腿部。(小树注解:这是法国医生给的建议,和中国恰恰相反, 法国在怀孕初期是极为反对泡热水澡,或泡热水脚或腿。过热的水会让胚胎的脑神经烧坏。 同样的道理,如果你发烧了,是用冰袋敷头,目的是使脑神经降温。 这个大家自己斟酌吧)
<br/>它36厘米,现在体重约1.3公斤。它开始感觉子宫狭小,所以它不能像以前那样经常移动。他睁开眼睛,但他的视网膜仍无效,其颜色是不明确的,它只会在出生后的几个月确定视网膜的颜色。他的听觉和视觉越来越好,他可以感知不通的味道,羊水的味道是不同的,这取决于你吃什么。 他的消化系统运作正常。
<br/> 您
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