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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Fabulous news about your beta! My beta at 18 DPO was 2,480, so if you work
<br/>it backwards at 16 DPO it would have been 1,240, at 14 DPO 620, at 12 DPO 310
<br/>and at 10 DPO 155. If you keep working it backwards it would have had to have
<br/>more than doubled each 48 hours in the first week following implantation. How
<br/>many embryos did you have transferred? Could be twins!!
<br/>> > > 脙鈥毭偮�
<br/>> > > My heparin dose contains 40mg enoxaparin sodium which is 4,000 I.U anti-Xa
<br/>activity. Doseages are given as high as 80mg depending on whether you have blood
<br/>clotting issues, I have none that I am aware of. On your dose I would have the
<br/>weekly test as planned, then you can reduce if needs be.
<br/>> > > 脙鈥毭偮�
<br/>> > > I don't think you're stupid for self medicating with steroids, they've
<br/>been used by loads of women to help avoid miscarriage. If you've been taking the
<br/>steroids already and aren't getting any side effects then I wouldn't worry about
<br/>it. Follow your gut feel, that's my moto, but obviously if you need to go to
<br/>hospital for any reason you'll have to tell them you're taking it. 20mg seems to
<br/>be the average dose. I was on 40mg a day and everything is fine with my babies
<br/>at 24 weeks. You need to start tapering off them at 12 weeks reducing by 5 mg
<br/>every 3 days - you can buy a tablet cutter from a chemist if needs be.
<br/>> > > 脙鈥毭偮�
<br/>> > > I whacked progesterone into me too, 2 x 400mg suppositories cyclogest and
<br/>100ml gestone injections per day. At 14 weeks I dropped to 1 x 400mg suppository
<br/>and am still going - it helps with NK suppression.
<br/>> > > 脙鈥毭偮�
<br/>> > > So pleased for you!! xx Jaynie
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Welcome to the group, hopefully you will find the help here that you need.
<br/>>> I am so sorry for your losses, I know how painful and heartbreaking it is
<br/>>> but you are on the right track and I think Dr Kwaks protocol for you looks
<br/>>> great.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> I cannot help with all of your results as I do not have knowledge of all
<br/>>> of them, but I can relate to your TNFa and NK cell results as this was one
<br/>>> of my major problems. The good news is that I took prednisolone 40mg,
<br/>>> IVIg, aspirin 75mg and lovenox 40mg脗 and so far so good -脗 I am 22 weeks
<br/>>> following 5 miscarriages all before 6 weeks. So have faith and hope as
<br/>>> these treatments really can work. It is interesting that your latest
<br/>>> pregnancy has lasted the longest and this was the one where you were
<br/>>> taking immune medications - this gives you an indication that you are on
<br/>>> the right track for sure, I hope this gives you hope.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> The steroids (dexamethasone or prednisolone) need to be taken until at
<br/>>> least 12 weeks followed by 2 weeks of tapering off. Make sure you have an
<br/>>> IVIg a couple of weeks before conception to ready your body for the
<br/>>> embryo, waiting until after a BFP can sometimes be too late. Glad you are
<br/>>> on Vitamin D, this can make a big difference for fertility.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> I hear exactly what you're saying about the expense of IVIg, I've had 4 of
<br/>>> them and my bank account is now empty! All I can say is that for me it was
<br/>>> far more effective than intralipids and it had a fabulous effect on my
<br/>>> TNFa and NK cells. I even went for 2 months not needing one until
<br/>>> recently.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> After you get a BFP make sure you keep getting your NK cells retested at
<br/>>> least once a month if you are not having anymore IVIgs. The Dr Beer book
<br/>>> says to test every 4 weeks so if you need another IVIg you can receive
<br/>>> treatment in time.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> Are you going to get your LADs tested to see whether LIT is needed? Maybe
<br/>>> worth squeezing this test in before you start ttc. This was my other
<br/>>> problem, I was not making enough antibodies to protect the embryo, after
<br/>>> having LIT to sort the problem I stayed pregnant.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> If I can be of anymore help let me know.
<br/>>> 脗
<br/>>> xxx Lots of luck to you xxx Jaynie
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
>> Hello everyone,
<br/>>> I just recently joined this group. (I have been following along for a
<br/>>> little while now)  This is going to be kind of long, I apologize, but I'm
<br/>>> hoping some of you can help me understand my situation better.
<br/>>> To introduce myself, I'm 31 years old. I've been TTC for 3 脗陆 years now.
<br/>>> After multiple IUIs and 2 IVFs, I have been pregnant 3 times, but have
<br/>>> lost all three. First was a blighted ovum. The second loss (at 8 weeks)
<br/>>> and the third loss (at 10 weeks) were both after great weekly ultrasounds
<br/>>> and heartbeats. The third pregnancy I was on lovenox, baby aspirin,
<br/>>> dexamethasone until 8 weeks, and two doses of intralipids (once before ET
<br/>>> and once at positive pregnancy test.)
<br/>>> I had a D and C with all 3 losses. We didn't test the first loss and
<br/>>> weren't able to get results from the second D and C .The third D and
<br/>>> C/Embryoscopy was done by my RE and the results came back as normal female
<br/>>> He said he is positive he sent the correct tissue away and that the baby
<br/>>> looked normal when he did the procedure.  RE said they have no idea why I
<br/>>> am miscarrying and his advice was, "Keep trying in hopes of a better
<br/>>> outcome or use a surrogate."芒鈧h yah and I am borderline normal/low
<br/>>> reserve for my age so he said I only have a few years left if I want to
<br/>>> try to have a baby with my own eggs. Needless to say I was devastated.
<br/>>> So I researched on my own and found Dr. Kwak. She is terrific! I can't say
<br/>>> enough great things about her. After going over my results with me she
<br/>>> said that she thinks there's a good chance that if I can get pregnant
<br/>>> again she can help to keep me pregnant.  Below, are a list of things she
<br/>>> tested me for (back in April). I hate to bother you ladies, but b/c you
<br/>>> all seem to be so knowledgeable I was hoping maybe someone could explain
<br/>>> to me what all this means芒鈧�.what actually are the reasons I am
<br/>>> miscarrying?
<br/>>> Test                    Range
<br/>>> Vitamin D         Low    23     30-100
<br/>>> APA Negative
<br/>>> Factor XIII Gene     Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> TSH            Low    0.04     0.465-4.68-------Retestested in May -0.1, June
<br/>>> -"normal"(didn't get the exact number)
<br/>>> TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)            58    13.2-30.6-------Retested June 1芒鈧�"44.3
<br/>>> IFN-g:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)        17.4    5.8-20.5--------Retested June 1芒鈧�"18.5
<br/>>> Free T3(FT3)            5.1    2.77-5.27
<br/>>> Free T4 (FT4)            1.5    0.78-2.19
<br/>>> ANA            Negative
<br/>>> Immunoglobulin Panel
<br/>>> IgG                1070    751-1560
<br/>>> IgM                154    46-304
<br/>>> IgA                209    82-453
<br/>>> Anti-DNA, Histones, Scl-70    Negative
<br/>>> Anti-Thyroid Antibodies
<br/>>> Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody    Positive
<br/>>> Anti-Throid Peroxidase        Positive
<br/>>> PAI-1 4G/5G Gene        Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> MTHFR    (A1298C)        Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> NK Assay (% Killed) Panel        Range
<br/>>> 50:1                27.4    15 or below--Retested June 1--15.1
<br/>>> 25:1                18.9    5-30
<br/>>> 12.5:1                16.3    3-20
<br/>>> IgG cone 12.5 50:1**        10.0
<br/>>> IgG cone 12.5 25:1**        10.7
<br/>>> IgG cone 6.25 50:1**        11.3
<br/>>> IgG cone 6.25 25:1**        9.1
<br/>>> % CD3                73.0
<br/>>> % CD19                8.6
<br/>>> % CD56                *15.7    12 or below--Retested June 1芒鈧�"18.5
<br/>>> % of CD19+ cells, CD5+        *22.1
<br/>>> Since talking with Dr. Kwak I went to an Endocrinologist (as per Dr.
<br/>>> Kwak's instructions) He said I have Hashimoto Thyroiditis. I was
<br/>>> Hyperthyroid, but as per testing last week it is now normal, but he thinks
<br/>>> it will soon go into Hypothyroidism. Sometime next month I need to get an
<br/>>> ultrasound done on my thyroid and then check my levels again to see where
<br/>>> they are.
<br/>>> After the last D and C I didn't start a period for 10 weeks so my RE put
<br/>>> me on Provera to bring on a period. Since then I start a new period about
<br/>>> every two weeks. So now, at Dr. Kwak's request I am going to start birth
<br/>>> control pills for atleast one month to try and regulate my cycle before
<br/>>> moving forward with another IVF.
<br/>>> If someone could please try to explain to me what all these finding mean,
<br/>>> I would greatly appreciate it. As all of you know, this is the hardest
<br/>>> thing I've ever had to deal with in my life and I am trying to do all I
<br/>>> can to fix it so I may have a baby.
<br/>>> As of April, Dr. Kwak put me on the following daily:
<br/>>> 1000 IU Vitamin D
<br/>>> 2 Caltrate +D
<br/>>> 400 IU  Vitamin E
<br/>>> Baby Aspirin
<br/>>> Prenatal Vitamin
<br/>>> (2) 1000mg Fish oil (at my request b/c I heard it may lower NK level)
<br/>>> Metanx
<br/>>> Once I TTC I will add:
<br/>>> Lovenox
<br/>>> Prednisone
<br/>>> IVIG (every 2-3 weeks)芒鈧�.I don't know what I'm going to do about this b/c
<br/>>> as of now my Insurance denied it (Plus everything is out of pocket for me
<br/>>> anyway)
<br/>>> Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. Again, sorry for
<br/>>> it being so long.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
>> Hello everyone,
<br/>>> I just recently joined this group. (I have been following along for a
<br/>>> little while now)  This is going to be kind of long, I apologize, but I'm
<br/>>> hoping some of you can help me understand my situation better.
<br/>>> To introduce myself, I'm 31 years old. I've been TTC for 3 脗陆 years now.
<br/>>> After multiple IUIs and 2 IVFs, I have been pregnant 3 times, but have
<br/>>> lost all three. First was a blighted ovum. The second loss (at 8 weeks)
<br/>>> and the third loss (at 10 weeks) were both after great weekly ultrasounds
<br/>>> and heartbeats. The third pregnancy I was on lovenox, baby aspirin,
<br/>>> dexamethasone until 8 weeks, and two doses of intralipids (once before ET
<br/>>> and once at positive pregnancy test.)
<br/>>> I had a D and C with all 3 losses. We didn't test the first loss and
<br/>>> weren't able to get results from the second D and C .The third D and
<br/>>> C/Embryoscopy was done by my RE and the results came back as normal female
<br/>>> He said he is positive he sent the correct tissue away and that the baby
<br/>>> looked normal when he did the procedure.  RE said they have no idea why I
<br/>>> am miscarrying and his advice was, "Keep trying in hopes of a better
<br/>>> outcome or use a surrogate."芒鈧h yah and I am borderline normal/low
<br/>>> reserve for my age so he said I only have a few years left if I want to
<br/>>> try to have a baby with my own eggs. Needless to say I was devastated.
<br/>>> So I researched on my own and found Dr. Kwak. She is terrific! I can't say
<br/>>> enough great things about her. After going over my results with me she
<br/>>> said that she thinks there's a good chance that if I can get pregnant
<br/>>> again she can help to keep me pregnant.  Below, are a list of things she
<br/>>> tested me for (back in April). I hate to bother you ladies, but b/c you
<br/>>> all seem to be so knowledgeable I was hoping maybe someone could explain
<br/>>> to me what all this means芒鈧�.what actually are the reasons I am
<br/>>> miscarrying?
<br/>>> Test                    Range
<br/>>> Vitamin D         Low    23     30-100
<br/>>> APA Negative
<br/>>> Factor XIII Gene     Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> TSH            Low    0.04     0.465-4.68-------Retestested in May -0.1, June
<br/>>> -"normal"(didn't get the exact number)
<br/>>> TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)            58    13.2-30.6-------Retested June 1芒鈧�"44.3
<br/>>> IFN-g:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)        17.4    5.8-20.5--------Retested June 1芒鈧�"18.5
<br/>>> Free T3(FT3)            5.1    2.77-5.27
<br/>>> Free T4 (FT4)            1.5    0.78-2.19
<br/>>> ANA            Negative
<br/>>> Immunoglobulin Panel
<br/>>> IgG                1070    751-1560
<br/>>> IgM                154    46-304
<br/>>> IgA                209    82-453
<br/>>> Anti-DNA, Histones, Scl-70    Negative
<br/>>> Anti-Thyroid Antibodies
<br/>>> Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody    Positive
<br/>>> Anti-Throid Peroxidase        Positive
<br/>>> PAI-1 4G/5G Gene        Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> MTHFR    (A1298C)        Heterozygous Mutated
<br/>>> NK Assay (% Killed) Panel        Range
<br/>>> 50:1                27.4    15 or below--Retested June 1--15.1
<br/>>> 25:1                18.9    5-30
<br/>>> 12.5:1                16.3    3-20
<br/>>> IgG cone 12.5 50:1**        10.0
<br/>>> IgG cone 12.5 25:1**        10.7
<br/>>> IgG cone 6.25 50:1**        11.3
<br/>>> IgG cone 6.25 25:1**        9.1
<br/>>> % CD3                73.0
<br/>>> % CD19                8.6
<br/>>> % CD56                *15.7    12 or below--Retested June 1芒鈧�"18.5
<br/>>> % of CD19+ cells, CD5+        *22.1
<br/>>> Since talking with Dr. Kwak I went to an Endocrinologist (as per Dr.
<br/>>> Kwak's instructions) He said I have Hashimoto Thyroiditis. I was
<br/>>> Hyperthyroid, but as per testing last week it is now normal, but he thinks
<br/>>> it will soon go into Hypothyroidism. Sometime next month I need to get an
<br/>>> ultrasound done on my thyroid and then check my levels again to see where
<br/>>> they are.
<br/>>> After the last D and C I didn't start a period for 10 weeks so my RE put
<br/>>> me on Provera to bring on a period. Since then I start a new period about
<br/>>> every two weeks. So now, at Dr. Kwak's request I am going to start birth
<br/>>> control pills for atleast one month to try and regulate my cycle before
<br/>>> moving forward with another IVF.
<br/>>> If someone could please try to explain to me what all these finding mean,
<br/>>> I would greatly appreciate it. As all of you know, this is the hardest
<br/>>> thing I've ever had to deal with in my life and I am trying to do all I
<br/>>> can to fix it so I may have a baby.
<br/>>> As of April, Dr. Kwak put me on the following daily:
<br/>>> 1000 IU Vitamin D
<br/>>> 2 Caltrate +D
<br/>>> 400 IU  Vitamin E
<br/>>> Baby Aspirin
<br/>>> Prenatal Vitamin
<br/>>> (2) 1000mg Fish oil (at my request b/c I heard it may lower NK level)
<br/>>> Metanx
<br/>>> Once I TTC I will add:
<br/>>> Lovenox
<br/>>> Prednisone
<br/>>> IVIG (every 2-3 weeks)芒鈧�.I don't know what I'm going to do about this b/c
<br/>>> as of now my Insurance denied it (Plus everything is out of pocket for me
<br/>>> anyway)
<br/>>> Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. Again, sorry for
<br/>>> it being so long.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
<br/>  西部沿海铁路:由深圳北经湾区枢纽至江门、茂名方向
<br/>  湾区东线:由湾区枢纽经虎门至深圳机场,与港深机场快线接驳,至香港机场
<br/>  湾区西线:由湾区枢纽至翠亨,与广珠城际铁路接驳至珠海拱北口岸
<br/>  湾区北线:由湾区枢纽经庆盛、主城区至广州白云机场
<br/>  南站联络线:由湾区枢纽连接广州南站枢纽的专用联络线
<br/>  1/3景观将彻底改变
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
ever too late! I say if you can get an intralipid quickly then do it. At 7 weeks pregnant I had massively high NK cells and huge TNFaplha - to this day I don't know how I didn't miscarry but I quickly upped my prednisolone dose from 20 to 40mg, tripled my progesterone, doubled my lovenox to 40mg and had an emergency IVIg (only because intralipids don't work on me). There's always hope, hang on in there xx
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hi Emma,
<br/>I did test positive on APAs and something else (PAI-1? my memory is failing here). But I know that my OBGYN prescribes Lovenox to women with recurrent miscarriages even without testing for APAs.
<br/>He gave me antibiotics in hopes to reduce inflammation that immune systems caused during pregnancy - I took it only in the last, successful pregnancy, so it might have helped.
<br/>I bled from week 6 to week 10-11 in the successful pregnancy, and I just stopped blood-thinners at that time, and restarted once it ended.
<br/>I had 5 miscarriages prior, the 5th one on IVIG and Humira, but without antibiotics and Dex - that one ended early before h/b. Another new thing in 6th pregnancy was C-estriol - I started taking it on CD1 and to the end of 1st trimester. I was the first patient my doctor tried it on and it's a hormone that's produced during pregnancy, so I figured it'd be safe. I decided not to take Humira in 6th pregnancy as it spiked by TNFs before and didn't help with 5th one.
<br/>I can't say what's the corresponding dose of Prednisone - I was just told that 1mg Dex is the highest you can take of Dex.
<br/>Haematoma disappeared in week 13, but from week 15 or so I started having contractions and had bleeding again from week 29... had baby via C-section on week 32. I kept doing IVIG every 3 weeks - I never tried intralipids as I heard they don't help with TNF-alpha and I didn't want to take chances. My body was rejecting embrio throughout the pregnancy, but I guess combination of drugs, bedrest and luck helped me to make it.
<br/>Don't hestitate to email to my personal address with more questions, I'm happy if I can help in any way.
<br/>Hang in there, and best luck to you.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
<br/>> I'm so sorry to hear that. I had many losses with the same picture - haematoma behind placenta and hearbeat stopping eventually. With the last pregnancy it started the same and was horrible but at least I had a baby. I was on 40mg of Lovenox twice a day (when I did not have an active bleeding), I did IVIG upon positive test (and it brought my TNF Alfa down as it went way up every time I'd get pregnant), and I was on antibiotics upon pregnancy test for a month. Maybe you need a higher dose of steroids - I was on 1mg Dexamethasone.
<br/>> You also cannot exclude a chance of genetics misfiring this time, so don't give up hope.
<br/>> Best of luck to you,
<br/>> Anna脗
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
> I am still taking prednisone. I was on 20mg until my cytokines reached 50%
<br/>then went on 40mg for a few days then dropped to 30mg. I've gradually reduced
<br/>and am currently on 15mg.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
42, 1 DS aged脙鈥� 6, over 4 yrs ttc #2脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > 6脙鈥� m/cs脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > Issues determined Nov 08:
<br/>> > > > > > Slightly pos APS, low Free T4, borderline ANAs, CD19+/CD5+脙鈥�
<br/>cells 15%,脙鈥� LAD B IgG 4.3, Th1/Th2脙鈥� 61 (reduced to 33 after 4 doses
<br/>pre-concep Humira脙鈥� Apr-June 09) Th1/Th2脙鈥� 26 during last pg after IL Dec
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > Protocol used on 6 m/c:
<br/>> > > > > > Pre-concep脙鈥� -脙鈥� Humira 40mg x 4脙鈥� before ttc脙鈥� and
<br/>re-test levels then脙鈥� BA ,steroids 5 mg, calcium, LIT脙鈥� July 09 (not
<br/>> > > > > > At + test - stop BA, IL, steroids 20 mg (weaning off at 12 wks),
<br/>heparin 20 mg once per day (test脙鈥� APS at脙鈥� 12 wks), Utrogestan pessaries
<br/>400mg till 12 wks
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > Re-tests Feb 10:
<br/>> > > > > > CD19+/CD5+ 29%, Th1/Th2 33, LAD B IgG 99.9, CD3 86%
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > New Protocol:
<br/>> > > > > > Pre-concep脙鈥� - Humira 40mg x 2 (reduced level from 33 to 13), BA,
<br/>steroids 25mg脙鈥� and heparin 40mg once per day from CD6, calcium. Possibly IL
<br/>CD10. Utrogestan 200mg x 3 daily after ov. At + test - continue BA, steroids and
<br/>heparin. IVIg,脙鈥� Utrogestan 200mg x 2 daily, Gestone 100mg daily.脙鈥� Test
<br/>levels as necessary including progesterone.
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > Currently on脙鈥� : Menevit,脙鈥� 1/4 aspirin after ov,脙鈥� Fish
<br/>oil, Royal Jelly,脙鈥� Resveratrol.脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
<br/>> > > > > > Using Kinesiology,脙鈥� HypnoFertility, Homeopathy, Gluten Free
<br/>> > > > > > 脙鈥�
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