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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Yes!!!脗  It took me脗 5 months of ttc naturally on his immune protocol but I had our baby girl by csection on 2/24/12 at 38 weeks and 4 days!!!脗  High TNF was my biggest problem too...it actually never got below 44 after I was pregnant, even with Intralipids and being on 40mg/day of Prednisone.脗  Once I was past the first trimester Dr. B wasn't too concerned with this anymore though.脗  He did say it might cause Preeclampsia in the 3rd trimester though...and I did end up getting that!脗  I was actually going into L&D on 2/23 for observation because my Preeclampsia labs from that day weren't very good when my water broke.脗  I had been having Preeclampsia symptoms for about 10 days prior but it took a little while for my labs to reflect it...my BP was high during this time though.脗  So just make sure you're being monitored closely for this when you get into your 3rd trimester.脗  I was going in for 2x per week non-stress tests from 32 weeks on...
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> If I remember correctly I think the reason Dr. B said not to take Pepcid and Claritin (or any antihistimine) had something to do with the fact that they work by suppressing TH2 which increases脗 TH1...exactly what those of us with high TH1 don't need!!脗  I may be wrong on that but that's what I seem to recall him saying.脗  Maybe post a question about this on his forum and see脗 what he recommends?脗  I hear you about the allergies right now though!!!脗  
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Dr. Braverman also told me to stop taking all supplements and most of the vitamins脗 when I got pregnant - Wobenzyme, Maxi-Greens, etc.脗  He said to only stay on Vit D3, Vit E, Calcium, Prenatal, 1,000mg fish oil, baby aspirin, additional folic acid and additional B vitamins (due to MTHFR).
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
I have seen Dr. Kwak twice, and have had two IVIGs, and two LITs already prior
<br/>to transfer. I have been on 10mg of prednisone for the past 3 weeks, baby
<br/>aspirin and supplemental iron. My obgyn has me on estrogen patches and last week
<br/>started on on an antibiotic. I have elevated NKs(18s), very high TNF (50s), have
<br/>Hashimoto, and a blood clot gene mutation. I was able to get pregnant but have
<br/>lost last two pregnancies in the second trimester.
<br/>> My embryo transfer should be on Saturday. After seeing Dr. Kwak yesterday and
<br/>seeing the bloodflow to my endometrium she added Lovenox right away , 40mg
<br/>before Saturday, stop 24 hours before transfer, then 12 hours after transfer go
<br/>to 80mg of lovenox, one 40mg in the morning and one in the afternoon.as my
<br/>resistance index was still in the 60s, added Calcium with vitamin D. She also
<br/>started me oral progesterone, 250mg twice a day.
<br/>> My lining is .11 and looks perfect. I am hoping to transfer two embies on
<br/>Saturday. Will keep you all informed. If I am able to have babies in my arms in
<br/>9 months, I will owe it to Kwak indeed and this group of smart, intelligent
<br/>ladies. Aside from the LIT, I am following exactly what Dr. Kwak she asks me to
<br/>do... Thank you all for helping me get this far!!
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
<br/>> It seems really high dose for preg and metformin. what is your lovenox dose?
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> Dr. Kwak's脗 recommendation is 10mg preg before transfer, then change to 20mg afterward. She might increase the dose to 40mg if脗 NK脗 or Cytokine levels spiked dramatically.
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> In my case, I脗 had crazy # NK at 32 and TNF cytokines at 40s couple months before IVF cycle.脗 Ihad 3 IVIGs prior to ET, that improved my egg quality dramatically as well as brought down my NK and TNFlevels to the normal range.
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> As soon as I got BFP, I got another IVIG right away. However, my NK increased to 29 and TNF cytokines jumped to 39 (almost back to square 1#). Dr. Kwak increased my preg dose to 40mg immediately and asked me to get another IVIG. but she still wants me to take 500mg metformin.
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> I heard Metformin and DHEA will help improve egg quality, not damage. I also found out personally脗 IVIG (intralipid) will help it too, b/c high NK and TNF will damage eggs.
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> hope that helps. good luck to you all.
<br/>> 脗
<br/>> ________________________________
<br/>> From: Emma Joyston-Bechal <monkeyhut@...>
<br/>> To: immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com
<br/>> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:33 AM
<br/>> Subject: [immunologysupport] is Metformin damaging my eggs any views?
<br/>> 脗  
<br/>> Can ones protocol be too strong 40mg pred, 1500mg met and lovenox. They never found anything with me just minor match with husband and high nk cells but nothing else.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Thank you!!!  Yes...while ttc I was taking: Lovenox 40mg 1x/day, baby aspirin, Vit B6, Vit B12, the bio-available form of folic acid, calcium, fish oil, Vit E, Vit D3, CQ10, Pycnogenol, Melatonin, Maxi-Greens, 10mg Prednisone, Progesterone suppositories (Prometrium) 2x/day beginning 5 days after OV and Intralipids on CD 9 or 10....I should also mention that I was 36 while ttc!
<br/>Kristen Pitzner
<br/>REALTOR #01409748
<br/>Porch Light Properties
<br/>Cell: 916.201.4863
<br/>Fax: 916.930.6113
<br/>Referrals are very important to my business!  Please think of me when recommending a Realtor to your family, friends and co-workers!
<br/>From: lsgchicago <lsgchicago@...>
<br/>To: immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com
<br/>Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:14 AM
<br/>Subject: [immunologysupport] Re: Questions about intralipids pre-conception (mc & preg ment)
<br/>Thanks Kristin! Congrats on your pg!! Were you taking any other meds besides intralipids? I am taking prednisone, lovenox, methanx, baby aspirin (and lots of supplements).
<br/>--- In immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com, Kristen Pitzner <kristen.pitzner@...> wrote:
<br/>> I was ttc naturally...I did Intralipids on CD 9 or 10 of my cycles preconception.脗  I am a patient of Dr. B and my issues脗 were elevated NK's and killing activity, super high TNF and NKT's, Compound Hetero MTHFR, and a previous DVT.脗  I had two early losses (10 weeks and 5 weeks)脗 before seeking Dr. B's help.脗  Once I started on my immune treatment protocol it took me 5 months to get pregnant naturally.脗  I'm now脗 35 weeks pregnant!脗  I did Intralipids through 16 weeks...hope that helps!脗  Good luck!!!脗  
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |

Hi Jai,

Congrats on your pregnancy!!! I don't think Dr. B does T-reg...unless it is also called something else?? To make you feel better my TNF was 39.6 prior to conception and then jumped to 49 when I got pregnant. Even with treatment it never dropped below 44. I haven't had any issues with my pregnancy at all though (knock on wood)! Below is/was my treatment/supplement protocol:

20 mg/day Prednisone (upped to 40mg/day when my TNF jumped up, continued on this until 17 weeks and then weaned off)
40 mg/day Lovenox (increased to 40mg 2x/day as of last week)
200mg Prometrium suppositories 2x/day until 14 weeks
Intralipids every 4 weeks through 16 weeks
Baby aspirin
4mg L-Methofolate
100 mg Vit B6
1000 mcg Vit B12
1,200 mg fish oil
200 mg DHA
Prenatal vitamin
800 mg Calcium
400 mg Vit E
2,000 mg Vit D3

I also took between 9-12 Wobenzyme pills/day and Tumeric through about 20 weeks. Hope that helps!!

Kristen Pitzner




newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |

Hi Linda,

No, I'm not on Neupogen...just the Prednisone. I have elevated NK cells and killing activity, super high TNF and NKT's as well as being Compound Heterozygous MTHFR. I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks (baby stopped growing at 7 weeks) as well as an early miscarriage at 5 weeks before I found Dr. Braverman. I was being told by my OB that it was just bad luck. I just felt strongly that there was something more going on. I was 35 at the time (36 now). We were ttc naturally....it took me 7 months after the last miscarriage to get pregnant again (only took 2 months to get pregnant again after the first miscarriage). During that time Dr. B had me on 10mg/day of Prednisone & 40mg of Lovenox from ovulation on. I also did Intralipids 5-7 days before Ovulation. I was also on baby aspirin, Folgard, fish oil, a ton of supplements/antioxidants and Prometrium 2x/day from a week after ovulation. When I got the HPT+ in June Dr. B increased my Prednisone to 20mg/day and I did another Intralipids. After re-doing the monitoring panel testing after the HPT+ my TNF increased from 39% to 49% so he upped my Prednisone dose to 40mg/day. I've had horrible side effects on the 40mg/day dose. I'm very grateful because everything seems to be working (I'm 14 weeks 1 day today and everything has been looking great!!) but the side effects have been really tough - weight gain, irritability, mood swings, puffiness & moon face and insomnia. I've started to wean off the Prednisone now though....at 14 weeks (just yesterday) he had me go from 40mg/day to 20 mg/day. I'll taper down another 10mg next week and then do one more week at 5mg. So I'll be completely off of it by 17 weeks! I'm excited and so ready to be off of it but I'm a little scared too. My lowest TNF since being pregnant (and with all of the treatment) has been 44% (Dr. B never said I needed IVIG though). I was pretty concerned about this but Dr. B said that some people just have high TNF and that it hasn't been effecting anything so far (the baby's been growing great, etc) so we're just going to go forward. My high risk OB will just need to be aware of possible issues that could arise from this in the 3rd trimester...preeclampsia, IGUR and toxemia.

Honestly, if the Neupogen does the same thing as the Prednisone then I personally would avoid taking! Dr. B never brought up Neupogen with me. Although, I will say the Prednisone side effects were a lot less on 20 mg/ day. So if you were going to take that amount or less then it might not be too bad!

That's very exciting regarding your transfer! I wish you the best of luck!!!!







newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
I'm so sorry for your dilemna. Perhaps you should think about increasing your
<br/>other meds to help compensate, high progesterone supplementation helps suppress
<br/>NK cells, see if you can take 40mg prednisolone like I did when I had high TH1,
<br/>and blood thinning injections will help stop those nasty NK cells making blood
<br/>clots in the placenta.
<br/>> 聽
<br/>> I wish you all the best, will be thinking of you.
<br/>> 聽
<br/>> xx JaynieHistory: Age 34, TTC 2.5 years, 5 miscarriages b4 6 weeks, 1 ectopic
<br/>pregnancy and lost fallopian tube. All mainstream fertility tests normal.
<br/>> Tested: NK cells high, TNFa high, LAD negative, no blood clotting issues, no
<br/>DQ alpha matches, uterine biopsy for NK cells no CD57.
<br/>> Present: 30 weeks pregnant via IVF using LIT, IVIg monthly, Prednisolone 40mg
<br/>(to 12 weeks), Aspirin 75mg, Clexane 40mg, Gestone 100ml to 14 weeks, Cyclogest
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
So sorry you didn't get the BFP you deserve, better luck next time my lovely. I took prednisolone from 2 weeks before ET on a drug controlled cycle but other ladies who are doing natural cycles have been told to start it after ovulation as it can apparently interfere with ovulation. I think the safest length of time to take it continuously is 24 weeks and you'd need to take it for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you have a 'gap' in which you don't need to take it I would stop it to give your body a break - wean off it though - reduce by 5mg every 3 days.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |


JaynieHistory: Age 34, TTC 2.5 years, 5 miscarriages b4 6 weeks, 1 ectopic pregnancy and lost fallopian tube. All mainstream fertility tests normal.
> Tested: NK cells high, TNFa high, LAD negative, no blood clotting issues, no DQ alpha matches, uterine biopsy for NK cells no CD57.
> Present: 29 weeks pregnant via IVF using LIT, IVIg monthly, Prednisolone 40mg (to 12 weeks), Aspirin 75mg, Clexane 40mg, Gestone 100ml to 14 weeks, Cyclogest 400mg





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