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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hi Emily,
<br/>> I am no the same boat with you! 5 HLA matches and no major immune issues. I
<br/>> think I also got the "triad" thing going on. My husband and I have 2
<br/>> partial matches on DQ-beta and 1 partial match on DQ-alpha. The only
<br/>> difference between our protocol is Lovenox. Dr. B also wants me to start
<br/>> Lovenox, in addition to Neupogen, after ovulation. I guess that is because
<br/>> I have PAI gene mutation on top of MTHFR Compound Heterozygous.
<br/>> Don't be scared. You never know until you try!
<br/>> *hugs*
<br/>> May
<br/>> --
<br/>> History: age 34. One 2 1/2-year-old boy. 3 early miscarriages after the
<br/>> first pregnancy. Two at 5 weeks (March 2011, April 2011). One at 7 weeks
<br/>> (July 2011). Tested: 5 HLA matches with my husband. NK cells 17% (50:1), B
<br/>> cells 35% (LAD test) boderline sufficient. APA positive
<br/>> (IgA-Phosphoinositol high positive), MTHFR Compound Heterozygous, PAI Gene
<br/>> Mutation Heterozygous. Dr. Braverman protocol: Neupogen, Lovenox,
<br/>> progesterone, low dose aspirin, and many supplements.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
> Braverman said everything looks normal except for the HLA matches(of which
<br/>> > we have 5.) and slightly elevated cytokines. He said it doesn't matter if
<br/>> > the matches are partial or not...just the total number. He said I also have
<br/>> > the "triad"..which if you see it in a woman with 3 consecutive losses is
<br/>> > significant. The triad is 4.1 on DQ Alpha, 02 on DQ Beta, and 03 on DRB-1.
<br/>> > We also have a partial match on HLA-C, which is apparently significant. He
<br/>> > wants me on Neupogen...starting at Ovulation til 9 weeks. He said a full
<br/>> > course for a pregnancy will be a total cost of $3500 if not covered by
<br/>> > insurance. He even said intralipids would be of no benefit. He said he
<br/>> > wouldn't recommend Lovenox at this point, but if I want to be on it, that
<br/>> > it won't hurt.
<br/>> >
<br/>> > My husband isn't happy about the cost, but seems to so far be reluctantly
<br/>> > agreeing to it. I'm offering to work more shifts to pay for it!
<br/>> >
<br/>> > I'm scared to even hope at this point.
<br/>> >
<br/>> > Emily
<br/>> >
<br/>> > -----
<br/>> > Age: 35, One 2 year old boy, 4 total losses, 3 consecutive losses:
<br/>> > chemical pregnancy the cycle before my son, Missed miscarriage at 12
<br/>> > weeks(baby measured 11 weeks, chromosomally normal boy), blighted ovum 7
<br/>> > weeks, missed miscarriage at 17 weeks(baby measured 13 weeks, unable to
<br/>> > obtain genetic results), Diagnoses: Homozygous A/A MTHFR gene mutation,
<br/>> > Vitamin D deficient. 5 HLA matches with husband. Plan: Neupogen starting at
<br/>> > ovulation.
<br/>> >
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
4.1 on DQ Alpha, 02 on DQ Beta, and 03 on DRB-1.
<br/> 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-149-1.html
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
4.1 on DQ Alpha, 02 on DQ Beta, and 03 on DRB-1.
<br/> 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-149-1.html
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
> Hello all! It has taken me a long time, but I knew that one day I would be able to post my story here. So, here it goes. Our journey started out by finding out one of my tubes was blocked and that I have PCOS. We began with the Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco where after a few consultations, one of the IVF Dr.'s said to us "once you get over the financial part of this process, the IVF is no big deal" With that one comment, my husband and I took our business elsewhere. Why would I want to spend around $50,000 with a facility that has lost sight of what they are doing? For us, it was(and still is) the biggest deal of our lives. We then moved onto Dr. Zouves and he began all testing including immonology. He found out that I had high NK's, high TH1/TH2, and blood clotting disease. He put me on his usual protocol- Humira, Heparin, etc. We did our first IVF cycle in Nov. of 2009. We trasferred 2 embryos. We got a chemical pregnancy. We decided to do another fresh round of IVF. In the mean time, more Humira, Heparin, etc. We did our 2nd IVF cycle in Feb. 2010 and we transferred 3 embryos. At our ultrasound, we were stunned to find out that all 3 of them took! Dr. Zouves then suggested to us that reduce one due to the risks involved. We did so much research and received a lot of medical advice on this and we decided to move forward with the reduction. We did this at 12 weeks. Then at one of my check ups at 16 weeks, the Dr. could not hear one of the heartbeats and we found out we lost the 2nd baby. Then at 22 weeks, I went into labor and lost the last baby of the 3. It was the most heartwrenching, emotionally traumatizing thing I have ever went through. We were devastated. Not only emotionally, but financially as well. Thank goodness I have a strong and supportive husband and we worked through that time. After some time, we contacted Dr. Zouves again to once again, start all over. We started with the Humira and Heparin all over again. However, this time, the Humira would not bring down my TH1/TH2 levels. At this point, Dr. Zouves suggested we move onto surrogacy. I was in shock and was not willing to take this for an answer. I had just been pregnant and he wanted me to turn to surrogacy! Instead, we moved onto the AEB center where we spent the next 6 months with trips to Mexico doing LIT, IVIG, etc. Interestingly enough, without trying, I got pregnant naturally, but miscarried at 6 weeks. This was crazy to find out that my body could do it on it's own. After trying some more naturally, in January of 2012, we decided to move onto Dr. Braverman as this was our last effort before moving onto surrogacy. He went over our records and had some interesting insights on my case and history. He had us do the HLA matching tests (which is not covered by my insurance and will end up costing us almost $3000). But we had spent almost $100,000 so far, what is a little more money towards the effort. He put me on Neupogen and Lovenox and some supplements and that was it. We also researched for a new IVF Dr. and chose Dr. Schmidt from NOVA IVF in Mountain View Ca. We did another fresh cycle in June of 2012, transferred 2, and one of them took! I stopped the Neupogen at 11 weeks and stopped the Lovenox at 16 weeks. I am being watched by 2 high risk Dr.'s and my OB. I am now 32 weeks pregnant and am due March 19th, 2013!
<br/>> There is much much more to this story, but I just wanted to give everyone the high lights of the kind of journey that my husband and I have been on for the last 3 1/2 years. I am so grateful that I did not listen to not only Dr. Zouves, but to so many other Dr.'s along the way. I chose to listen to my gut instinct and not to give up. Believe me when I say, I know how hard this road is, and it is not for everyone. There are many issues with Dr.'s, their egos, their office staff, their bedside manner, and their pricing. But for us, at the end of the day, we had to be comfortable with each and every decision that we made together. If you don't feel comfortable with a one Dr., or had a bad experience with one, then move on. This is one great thing about not having socialized medicine in this country- you have choices.
<br/>> I do have to say thank you to everyone on this board for all of the support and knowledge. It certainly supports the fact that we are not alone, we are not the only ones, and there are options.
<br/>> If anyone has any questions at all, feel free to contact me on the board or privately.
<br/>> Hopefully all will go smoothly and I will post again after I deliver!
<br/>> Keep strong!
<br/>> Hillarie
<br/>太感人了。她试过humira, lit, ivig都失败,最后成功了,但愿我也和她一样。。呵
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |

Hi Eileen,

Congrats!!! I'm also Compound Heterzygous MTHFR. I was a Dr.B patient after 2 previous miscarriages. I had my daughter in Feb after TTC with his immune protocol. Your homocysteine levels aren't typically monitored during pregnancy, even with an RI. Treatment is just generally Lovenox, Baby Aspirin plus the bio-available form of folic acid (taking more of just regular folic acid won't help) and extra B6 and B12. There are prescription vitamins for this like Folgard, Neevo, etc. You can take the individual vitamins to make up these same levels without a prescription though. That's what I did (it's cheaper). I took 4mg of L-Methylfolate, 100mg of B6 and 1mg of B12 per day....along with an 81mg baby aspirin. I had Intralipids at CD10 while ttc, again at a positive Beta and then every 4 weeks after that through 16 weeks. I started off on 40mg Lovenox per day but then was increased to 80mg per day after my Anti-XA test showed that 40mg didn't thin my blood enough. Your RE should be able to order that test for you. Dr. B also had me on 1,000mg fish oil, prenatal, 400iu Vitamin E, 1,200mg Calcium (important when you're on Lovenox) and 2,000iu Vitamin D3. He also had me take 200mg progesterone suppositories (Prometrium) 2x per day through 10 weeks. I was also on 40mg prednisone through the first trimester (started weaning off at 14 weeks) due to pretty high TNF.

Having a 50% DQ Alpha match does not mean you automatically need Neopogen. Dr. B prescribes this for 5 or more HLA matches (DQ Alpha is just one of these). Did you have the full HLA panel run or just the DQ Alpha test? It's my understanding that Neopogen is prescribed before OV...

If I were you I would stay with what you're currently doing (Lovenox, Dex and Intralipids) and just add in the baby aspirin and the vitamins for the MTHFR.


newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
feel congrats are not in order yet. What will the US show? (I've had a爉c at 6 weeks, 2 chemicals and a bligthed ovum at 6 weeks). But thanks for the hopeful words!
<br/>My protocol:
<br/>Estrace 2mg
<br/>Prenatal vitamin�
<br/>800iu Vit D (in addition to Prenatal)
<br/>4 mg Folic Acid - which I have to switch now to something more effective, thanks to the input of this group, plus add a couple more Vitamins, to address my MTHFR mutation issue which I never knew was a real issue till now
<br/>Fish oil (Whole Foods MorDHA Essential Prenatal Support Fomula)
<br/>Dexamethasone - Started with�4 tablets (16mg) for 4 nights, the decreased it to燨NE 4mg tablet every night�
<br/>Estrace 2mg
<br/>Lovonox - 40 mg every night starting evening of transfer�
<br/>Progeterone In Oil 2cc
<br/>Intralipids - 7 days before transfer, again after positive beta, again every 2 weeks (so far, have only done 2)
<br/>20% lipids/fat
<br/>Total of 4ml lipids in 250mls of normal saline
<br/>Hope this helps!!
<br/>What is Delestrogen?
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
newbeginin 发表于 2013-1-28 06:17
<br/>4.1 on DQ Alpha, 02 on DQ Beta, and 03 on DRB-1.
<br/> 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:ht ...
<br/><br/>看来我是这种继发性不孕,三角基因,就是同时有这三个不幸的基因。我刚好4.1, 我记得我还有个2.1另一基因没查,很可能也有。
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
400iu Vitamin E, 1,200mg Calcium (important when you're on Lovenox) and 2,000iu Vitamin D3.
<br/> 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-150-1.html
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
<br/>--- In immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com, "Happpy At Home"
<br/>> What is ASA?
<br/>> Thanks.
<br/>> From: lcaplinger
<br/>> Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:42 AM
<br/>> To: immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com
<br/>> Subject: [immunologysupport] Re: 44 years old and 16 weeks pregnant
<br/>> Congrats on your pregnancy!!! I love to hear about older patients, such as
<br/>myself (I am 45) getting (and staying) pregnant. It makes great ammunition for
<br/>me when a RE tries to push me in the direction of donor egg. I have a few
<br/>friends who are 45 who are expecting (with their own eggs) as well. :)
<br/>> Your supplements are fairly close to what I'm taking although I'm following
<br/>the "new" CCRM protocol of:
<br/>> 600mg Co-Q10 (divided into 2 doses - I've also read a few of Dr. Schoolcraft's
<br/>patients taking 800mg)
<br/>> 3mg melatonin (before bed)
<br/>> 4g Inositol (divided into 2 doses)
<br/>> I also take:
<br/>> 4000iu vitamin D3
<br/>> 100mg selenium
<br/>> 100mg 5-HTP (before bed)
<br/>> A few questions about your vitamins:
<br/>> 160mg of ASA
<br/>> Motrin(blood thinner) while TTC
<br/>> I guess if you're not doing lovenox this would help but I'm not sure if it's
<br/>the same mechanism for thinning.
<br/>> accupuncture
<br/>> DHEA 50 mg (when did you start this? micronized?)
<br/>> Vit D 4000 IU
<br/>> Calm 500-1000 mg Magnesium Citrate
<br/>> CO -Q 200
<br/>> Prenatal
<br/>> 3800 Folic Acid (good!)
<br/>> Fish oil 4000 mg (this also acts as a blood thinner)
<br/>> Vits B6 (quantity?)
<br/>> B12 (quantity?)
<br/>> Calcium 1000 Mag and Zinc (is this a single pill? you already mentioned calm
<br/>500-1000mg above)
<br/>> Did you stop taking prednisone and lovenox for this cycle?
<br/>> I've pretty much decided to find a surrogate but I am still quite interested
<br/>in preserving egg quality through supplementation.
<br/>> Again, a million congrats!!!
<br/>> Linda
<br/>> --- In immunologysupport@yahoogroups.com, "fairyster22" wrote:
<br/>> >
<br/>> > Hi Ladies
<br/>> > I am the lady who posted quite a few weeks ago about a successful pregnancy
<br/>and just wanted to update you all. I saw my 14 week ultrasound 2 weeks ago and
<br/>baby looked great. Heartbeat 153. I am MTHFR and Prothrombin II positive and had
<br/>been trying for about 8-9 years. I got pregnant with unmedicated IUI (own eggs).
<br/>I have had probably 8 chemical pregnancy and 2 miscarriages. This is a hard
<br/>journey and I was on this site a lot and learned alot and I believe all the
<br/>information I learned helped me. I tried a lot of different treatments (Lovenox
<br/>and Prednisone) but the last one I tried seem to do it for me. I used 160mg of
<br/>ASA and actually used Motrin(blood thinner) while TTC and accupuncture, DHEA 50
<br/>mg, Vit D 4000 IU, Calm 500-1000 mg Magnesium Citrate, CO -Q 200, Prenatal, 3800
<br/>Folic Acid, Fish oil 4000 mg, Vits B6, B12, Calcium 1000 Mag and Zinc. I
<br/>couldn't afford all the immune treatments (IVIG,etc) so I concocted my own brew
<br/>from this website and pouring over the Internet. Also went to a neurofeedback
<br/>therapist to help with any underlying fears about pregnancy, miscarriage and any
<br/>anxiety in my life. I still have some more time to go, but I remember any time
<br/>any one wrote anything uplifting it helped me alot. Anytime I got so sad, I met
<br/>others older than me who got pregnant and gave birth. Well Ladies, every journey
<br/>is different but I wish you all the best in your lives. I am grateful for this
<br/>> >
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