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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
My next cycle will include neupogen from the start of stims and intralipid infusions.
<br/> 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-71-1.html
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hello all - We would like to share our success story and give some hope for those who are looking forward to use G-CSF(neupogen), we have been successful with neupogen and 22+ weeks pregnant, we know we will be completing our story in another 18 weeks.
<br/>One after another we had 4 early miscarriages (no heartbeat detected) and 7 years of struggle, we were so devastated that we decided not to try until we have answers for our losses so after spending months of research, days & nights over the Internet we learned about reproductive immunology issues and its treatment options.
<br/>Dec 2008, we found an on-going study in Italy on the use of G-CSF to prevent unexplained pregnancy losses and wanted to follow the study results which were published in mid 2009 (Use of G-CSF for the Treatment of Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage). Results were very promising so we decided to follow the literature on g-csf too.
<br/>Nov 2009, we joined this groups where we continued to learn more and more on immunology stuff from all the members and discussion on this group. This is the most amazing group of people i have ever seen who provides all kind of help and support to others. Can't thank you enough for all the incredible help and support we got here.
<br/>Dec 2009, We started working with AEB to get the immune testing done which completed in Jan 2010, consulted with Dr Stricker and received their protocol letter to use Humira, LIT, Dexamethasone, IVIG, Lovenox etc鈥� as we had elevated NK activity, TNF-a, complete DQ Alpha match, very low LAD B and T cells, MTHFR hetero and PAI-1 hetero. But the NK activity and TNF-a levels were not terribly elevated. The only issue we thought was 100% DQ alpha match which could lead to blighted ovum, missed abortion in early pregnancy. So we decided to do LIT therapy, completed 5 cycles of LIT and got to very good levels of LAD. We were cleared for cycle鈥� we tried many cycles but could not get pregnant.We were told about egg quantity issues by our RE.
<br/>We continued our research on g-csf and finally found Dr Braverman! and his explanations on the Roles of G-CSF in reproductive immunology on his website at many places. We immediately contacted him by posting a message on his website, he replied back in 10 mins, next day he called me and discussed about what can be done in our case. He was so kind to provide us an appointment for the next day, we went his office to see in person. It was incredible experience meeting him and we found the answers. He did additional testing and found we had complete DQ ALPHA, DQ BETA, HLA C and many other matches in total 10 HLA MATCHES which are extremely rare and offered the use of g-csf(Neupogen) in our next cycle which we really wanted to try.
<br/>Oct 2010, We used G-CSF (Neupogen) in our cycle and got the overwhelming news we are pregnant with an excellent 1st HCG level of 348. The day we heard our baby鈥檚 first heartbeat that brought tears of happiness to our eyes as we could not get to that point before. We can't thank enough to Dr Braverman for his incredible help.
<br/>Please feel free to ask questions should you have any.
<br/>Take Care!
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Jane, all,
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > You may or may not remember me, but I was active on the boards in
<br/>2006-2007 due to what was finally determined to be a severe CD57+ case (NKUs).
<br/>We moved on to gestational surrogacy and I now have sweet, wonderful 13 month
<br/>old twins and things are wonderful! (8 miscarriages and 3 years later, but oh
<br/>well- all is well that ends well).
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > We are starting to feel the itch for a 3rd baby. I would really love to
<br/>attempt to carry the baby myself, and since my clear issue was NKUs, I had a
<br/>question about that...
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > I took the prescribed 8 shots of Humira after my last endo biopsy revealed
<br/>CD57+ levels of 10+. However, it has of course been 2 years since my last shot.
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > So my question is: Do you think that NKUs can "flare back up", so to
<br/>speak? I assume they quieted down with the Humira treatment, but I'm just
<br/>wondering whether it is sort of a "once and done" kind of thing, or whether they
<br/>can resurface? We have not attempted pg and have taken preventative actions
<br/>against one as well (specifically condoms- so no sperm has made its way into
<br/>that area in 2+ years).
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > Let me know your thoughts when/if you get a chance. I'm wondering whether
<br/>I really should get another biopsy to make sure, or whether I should just pass.
<br/>(I would STRONGLY prefer to pass as those things HURT- ouch!)
<br/>> > >
<br/>> > > Thanks!
<br/>> > > -Shilpa
<br/>> > >
<br/>> >
十一级宝宝 |
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |

<br/>Sorry to barge in on this string but I am just wondering if DS has
<br/>given you a protocol to help with your CD 57 levels. I have NKUs
<br/>also (CD 57 cells) at 8.7 but probably higher b/c the 8.7 was taken
<br/>from my endometrium after I had started bleeding so the real level
<br/>is likely to be higher. DS put me on 4 shots of Humira to treat
<br/>this. I'm hoping that is adequate but I'm just curious as to how
<br/>much he prescribes when the levels are higher (since mine might be
<br/>Also, do you know what your FSH levels are like? Have they been
<br/>affected by your NKUs at all?
<br/>Thanks for the info- sorry to barge! And don't worry about your CD
<br/>57 levels- they will come down to normal with treatment!
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hi Emma,
<br/>From my understanding CD57 lies dormant in the womb and becomes activated when you conceive, then it emits a lot of TNF alpha. I suppose if you have the TNF alpha blood test and it comes back high and they propose putting you on the same treatment as they would do for CD57 (i.e humira/embrel), then you could argue the biopsy isn't needed. That said, a uterine biopsy result can look very different to a blood test result for NK cells, i.e your bloods may look fine but a biopsy may not be fine - so it can be useful from that perspective in figuring out whether IVIg or intralipids are needed. All I know is that CD57 doesn't have an 'off switch' hence IVIg etc isn't effective at treating it, you would need TNFa blockers such as humira/embrel. I know some ladies have used Simponi for high TNFa, not sure if this drug deals with CD57 - if anyone knows or can find out it would be really useful.
<br/>I had a biopsy done with my mainstream IVF clinic in UK and then they sent it to chicago for me for the test I wanted. Maybe your new doctor in Germany could do this for you or maybe getting it done before you leave UK. I had it done without sedation, won't lie it really hurt but it was so quick I'm glad I didn't bother with sedation. It cost me 拢395 in total. If it were me I would get it done, if you test negative for CD57 then at least you'll have some peace of mind and if you test positive you'll know what's causing implantation failure and you can treat it aggressively. Leave no stone unturned, that's my moto!! :-)
<br/>Also have you considered an LAD test?
<br/>Hope this helps.
<br/>Jaynie xx
<br/>History: Age 34, TTC 2.5 years, 5 miscarriages b4 6 weeks, 1 ectopic pregnancy and lost fallopian tube. All mainstream fertility tests normal.
<br/>Tested: NK cells high, TNFa high, LAD negative, no blood clotting issues, no DQ alpha matches, uterine biopsy for NK cells no CD57.
<br/>Present: 27 weeks pregnant via IVF using LIT, IVIg, Prednisolone 40mg (to 12 weeks), Aspirin 75mg, Clexane 40mg, Gestone 100ml to 14 weeks, Cyclogest 400mg.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Hi Shilpa,
<br/>> Happy to comment. You write:
<br/>> Jane, thanks for the info below! My question to you is- does
<br/>> Humira/Enbrel's TNFa blocking capability also inhibit the growth of
<br/>> the regular NKUs (CD56+16+ kind)? Because it does seem that these
<br/>> NKUs are important for a successful pregnancy.
<br/>> ** I think you mean the CD56+16- uterine NK cell? (as the CD56+16+
<br/>> kind are the blood circulating type) Anyway, its a good question.
<br/>> My understanding is its all about getting the right balance. We
<br/>> some TNF alpha assist with implantation, but we do not want too
<br/>> much. You see, when the TNFa levels become too high, and "bad" Th1
<br/>> cytokines become dominant, the normally "good" CD56+16- uterine NK
<br/>> cells can show their ugly side too, their "off " switches
<br/>turns "on"
<br/>> and these "good" uterine NKs become aggressive as well...just like
<br/>> the blood NK's ...reeking pregnancy damage. (combined with CD57
<br/>> cells that have no "off switch", the situation is even worse)
<br/>> You say:
<br/>> Also, I have been told by a few REs and my Dr. Coulam that
<br/>> Humira/Enbrel are not recommended while TTCing b/c TNFa itself is
<br/>> needed for proper implantation. Can you comment on this?
<br/>> ** Enbrel and Humira simply bring the TNFa levels back to normal
<br/>> again, so the cytokines are balanced to help promote healthy
<br/>> pregnancy growth again. If a patient's TNFa levels are already too
<br/>> high, Humira and Enbrel simply bring levels back to where they
<br/>> should have been in the first place. ..just like they do in
<br/>> like rheumatoid arthritis (reducing joint inflammation). We want
<br/>> find that healthy middle ground.
<br/>> You say:
<br/>> And for the record, I know they must be wrong given how many women
<br/>> get
<br/>> pregnant on Humira treatment- I just want some extra details is
<br/>> all...
<br/>> ** Its all about treating the right patients. You do not put all
<br/>> infertility patients on Humira just as you do not give all obesity
<br/>> patients gastric bypass surgery. But some immune patients really
<br/>> have a cytokine problem that needs to be rebalanced (high TNFa)
<br/>> have seen enough Enbrel/ Humira stories on the boards to know
<br/>> and Enbrel really can work in the right patients. Finding the
<br/>> patients is the key.... Not all patients will benefit.
<br/>> Hope this helps.
<br/>> Jane
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
宝宝会回来的 发表于 2013-1-16 17:34
<br/>newbeginin 发表于 2013-1-16 17:26
<br/>我已经买了五瓶10%的了,因为现在还没有 ...
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
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